Tonight’s Post Is Brought to You by Panera

Song Lyric of the Day:

But when I’m in doubt / I open my mouth / And words come out / Words come out like / Baby there’s a shark in the water / There’s something underneath my bed / Oh, please believe, I said

VV Brown / “Shark in the Water

After a second failed attempt to get our home Internet access set up (one more strike, Comcast is out), Rich and I were driven out into the wilds of Knoxville tonight to find some free WiFi. We were also in need of some food (the kitchen is coming together but not quite usable), so here we are at Panera. (Try the Low-Fat Black Cherry Smoothie — delish!)

Speaking of our new kitchen, I made some decent progress in unpacking and organizing last night. Rich was out late since he got accepted to the mentoring program at work, and because I didn’t have Internet access (ahem) or satellite TV, I decided to do something useful instead of passing out on the couch, which is what I really wanted to do.

Being my little shadow, Troubadour took it upon himself to “help” me unpack by ripping up papers and trying to steal bubble wrap as I discarded it. Meanwhile, Happy and Caleb lounged on their harem-style bed setup in the living room; they were on the three-bed cluster where all three dogs usually nap together. There’s also a two-bed cluster at the other end of the living room where Happy and Troubadour go to enjoy alone time. It’s where Happy relaxes and Troubadour plans his next evil scheme.

The cats are adjusting as expected. Finn, my oldest cat, has pretty much claimed the house as her new domain, while her son, Buster, is in his usual la-la land, albeit in a new location. Belle, our resident Houdini cat, disappeared into the house sometime Sunday night and didn’t reappear until yesterday when I went home for lunch. She’s got mad skills that way.

And now I need to wrap up this rambling, aimless post and head back home. Only tonight I’m going to take a break from unpacking and organizing and watch my Netflix movie. Provided I can find it, that is.

I also need to take it easy since I noticed a couple of days ago that my feet had swollen some from all the activity surrounding the move. Nothing like looking like a Puerto Rican hobbit to make you want to put your feet up and relax.

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