Trying Not to Drown on Dry Land

Song Lyric of the Day:

Oh it tears me up / I tried to hold on but it hurts too much / I tried to forgive but it’s not enough / To make it all okay

I’ve been doing my best to stay positive of late. Our A-frame in South Knoxville has still not sold, Coraline’s fighting nursing, our roof is leaky, people close to me have ruined their relationships, reality shows continue to take over TV, etc. Even something as mundane as work computer problems yesterday felt like another nail in the proverbial coffin. Last night I curled up under my Slanket and had a good cry. I’m doing a lot better today, so that’s good.
No matter what stresses we’re dealing with these days, at least we had a good long holiday weekend. Saturday Coraline’s Grandma Carol and Grandpa Doug came over for awhile, followed by our good friend and Coraline’s honorary aunt, Tamara. After the grandparents left, Tamara joined Rich and I for two games of Settlers of Cataan. Guess who didn’t win no matter how competitive she got? Someday I will win at that damn game. I’ll be sure to shout it from the rooftops when I do. Sunday we went over to our new neighbors’ house, where I finally got to formally meet the mom and her three sons. I won’t say Coraline was flirting with the boys, but let’s just say she certainly enjoyed the attention. After that, errands and then some downtime.
Monday we finally took down the Christmas tree and decorations. I insisted on keeping them up that long since Coraline got so many (eight? nine?) Christmas outfits I wanted to take photos of her in front of the tree wearing some of them. Because that’s what being a mom is all about: dressing your baby up for your own amusement.

As crappy as some things have been lately, Coraline never fails to cheer me up without even trying. And last night she hit a milestone: She slept through the whole night!

The part you can’t see says “Just ask Grandma.”
Coraline Claus reporting for duty

You know I really can’t sit up in this thing, right?

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