St. Patrick’s Day 2011 — Coraline’s First

She spent it being a brave little trouper, smiling even though she was worse today than she was yesterday. And, yes, she was the only one in our family who wore green today.
“This is my lucky shirt.”
“My 1st St. Patrick’s Day” bib.


Filed under baby, coraline, mommyblogging, photography

4 Responses to St. Patrick’s Day 2011 — Coraline’s First

  1. rich lee

    These are awesome 🙂

    You are handy with a lens, madam!

  2. pattie74

    She's a photogenic baby. I work with what I'm given. 🙂

  3. momma carol

    Appears she is sitting in that chair by herself , unaided. Wow! The first photo she looks like a perfect doll off the shelf. Big eyes, clear complexion, cute cheeks. In the second one she is for sure showing personality even though she doesn't feel well. It's almost like she's saying, "I'm ready now, you can shoot!" Both are very special photos! She looks wonderful in green. I'll claim her! Love, Momma Carol

  4. pattie74

    She does indeed sit up pretty well in her little chair now. And you're right — she does look like a doll, doesn't she? 🙂 She has yet to wear a color that doesn't look good on her.

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