Scene From a Marriage # 24,422

“So what’d you get me for Valentine’s Day?


“Oh, that’s a relief. I haven’t gotten you anything, either.”

With mock horror: “Whaaaat?!”


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2 Responses to Scene From a Marriage # 24,422

  1. Hello and thank you for not only visiting me, but also answering my questions!
    Glad you came through mamapundit. That’s how I got to know most of my blogger friends.
    I’ll go on now and will read your blog.
    By the way, love that you are a parent-centric household, that’s my dream!

  2. Hello
    I thought I had commented before, but I probably never posted my comment.
    Oh well. Thanks for visiting, thanks for answering my questions. That was nice of you (and you don’t know how much all of this helps me, actually calms me would be more accurate).
    And I love when people visit from mamapundit, most of the blogs I follow I got through Katie Granju.
    I’ve been reading some of your blog, you family is very cute. Mazel!
    Take care, I hope this one gets saved!

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