Song Lyric of the Day:
I’m just a believer / That things will get better / Some can take it or leave it / But I don’t wanna let it go
Over the years I’ve declared my intentions and set resolutions. I started to wise up a bit last year and didn’t really set any. So what am I doing this year? I’m setting my only resolution as making every effort to follow through on the projects I start and activities I participate in. That way, instead of beating myself up about not working out every day or being super-productive in an endeavor or even just updating my blog as often as I’d like, I’m giving myself permission to start and finish only what I can handle at any given moment. Whereas in years past I would stress out because I skipped a daily workout or didn’t write those planned 500 words, I will instead be happy that I fit in a workout when I can and count however many (or few) words I write as progress instead of falling short of a larger goal. Basically, I’m going to try this approach this year in the hopes it helps me stay somewhat sane throughout 2013. Here’s hoping.