Song Lyric of the Day:
You don’t need direction, you know which way to go / And I don’t want to hold you back, I just want to watch you grow
A few months ago I had started a 30 Day Blog Challenge. I didn’t finish it for a couple of reasons. First, the questions weren’t as interesting (I thought) as the ones I did for the 31 Day Blog Challenge. The 30-day one felt like it had questions written by 14-year-olds. Second, Rich and I got hit with some really disheartening news, followed quickly by some very surprising news. Bigger fish to fry and all.
The surprising news was actually very good news: We are pregnant with our second child, due on November 28. What was surprising about it is that we didn’t think we’d get pregnant so quickly. Now, we know how the sex works, and we’re awesome with birth control (see: daughter it took us 10 years to have), but we didn’t think once we started trying to get pregnant that we would succeed so quickly. After all, we are six years older than last time. I’m also again considered high risk due to my age (I’ll be 75 in several decades). Alas, it turns out Rich and I are sitcom fertile, so we are now eagerly anticipating the arrival of Little Dude sometime around Thanksgiving. And no, we do not yet have his name picked out. We’ve got a long list and have to do some whittling down. I’m confident that by the time he does arrive we will have a name chosen, something simple, something he can live with and not hate. Like Pubert.
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