Still Catching Up on Sleep

Song Lyric of the Day:

I’m tired

Madeline Kahn as Lili Von Shtupp / “I’m Tired”

Rich and I got back from New York City Thursday afternoon. I’ve been semi-comatose since then. I’ll write soon about all the museums we visited; the bitter cold; my complete lack of a sense of direction; and an Off-Broadway play and our encounters with its cast later. For now, I’m enjoying being a couch potato more than I have in a very, very long time. Amen.


Filed under personal

5 Responses to Still Catching Up on Sleep

  1. kathy

    Welcome back – sounds like you had a great time 😀

  2. Anonymous

    awful lot of sleep – can’t wait to hear about the trip.

  3. Rich

    You have no idea.

    About the sleep, I mean.


  4. The Angry Soapbox

    Wake up Rip van Winkle!


  5. Anonymous

    Pattie, wake up!

    We all need you to blog!

    Love you,
    Momma Carol

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