It’s Official: I’m Certifiable

Song Lyric of the Day:

Once I had a love and it was a gas / Soon turned out had a heart of glass

Blondie / “Heart of Glass”

I am now certified in American Red Cross CPR and AED training. I got lucky in that work offered the training session, so I was able to participate today onsite at the office. Four and a half hours of training later, I passed my written exam. I’ll receive my certification card in approximately three weeks, and hopefully I will never, ever have to put my training to use (knock on wood).

I figured that since I’m technically a grown up it was about time I learned something truly practical. A useful skill, if you will. Because as my insightful revelations, meaningful dreams, other insightful revelations, obsessions, and most recently, geekcon worship demonstrate, I am nothing if not a mature, grounded adult.

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