Tag Archives: don’t stop


Song Lyric of the Day:

Don’t stop doing what you do / I will be your something old, new, borrowed, blue / Don’t stop doing what you do

Gin Wigmore / “Don’t Stop

I’ve written about making new year’s resolutions in the past. My attitude about resolutions has changed over the years so that I wasn’t putting so much pressure on myself to achieve and/or stick to all my goals, and I’m not about to change that now. So basically my only real goal for this year is to be happy. To be happy in my day-to-day life, happy in my marriage, happy in my relationship with my kid, happy with my family and my friends, happy with what I have in life.

Now, if I happen to exercise regularly, eat better, plan meals, start and FINISH house projects, get more sleep, finish my book, and just manage to write every day — whether here or offline — so be it.

Here’s to a great 2015!

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Filed under new year's resolutions, personal