Tag Archives: goldfinger

Home Again, Jiggity Jig

Song Lyric of the Day:

Going home / Going home / Going home / On our way back home

/ “Going Home

Today was my first full day of being sentenced to bedrest (WITH bathroom privileges — booyah!). I actually got home yesterday afternoon after our baby shower. I got released from the hospital just in time to make it to the shower, albeit a half hour late. Not that anyone was complaining. We literally didn’t know until about a half hour before the scheduled start time if I was even going to get out of the hospital yesterday, much less in time for the baby shower. As late as Friday afternoon, it was sounding like I’d still be in the hospital today, so I’m really happy to be out.

Now I’m home alone, since after Rich took our dear friend (and Coraline’s godmother), Caren, to the Chattanooga airport, he is once again at the A-frame working. And now I need to accept that I’ve been ordered by my doctor to not. do. anything. Which is going to be quite an adjustment. But I’ll do whatever it takes to keep my daughter safe inside for a bit longer. No matter how boring that might be.

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Filed under bedrest, mommyblogging, personal, pregnancy