Tag Archives: inauguration


Song Lyric of the Day:

Land where my fathers died / Land of the pilgrim’s pride / From every mountainside / Let freedom ring

Aretha Franklin / “My Country ‘Tis of Thee

I love that my nephews Elliott (4 months old) and Stephen (coming soon) will take today for granted. To them, President Barack Obama won’t be a big deal. To them, he won’t be our country’s first African-American/black/mixed-race president, he’ll just be our president. And I love that they will get to experience what we all experienced today with wide-open, unjaded eyes. I look forward to telling them how I and all my coworkers had our TVs tuned to the swearing-in, how people cheered out loud, and how some even cried. I can’t wait to describe to them how it felt to see people around the world celebrating with us. I’ll tell them how amazing it was to see more than a million and a half people on the National Mall, all there looking to catch even the briefest glimpse of the new president. And then I’ll explain to them both why it was all such a big deal.


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