Day 30: Your spouse or significant other.
I’ve been pretty open about expressing my fondness for Rich in the past. And since I’ve already poured my heart out like that, I’ve resorted to creating a fake profile for him based on how well I know him and what I love about him. Let me just say that it is next to impossible to find a fill-in-the-blank dating profile using Google. Without actually signing up for a dating service, that is. Which is why I resorted to modifying one of those American Express cardmember profiles — because it’s free.
Name: Richard Lee
Married Since: 2000
Occupation: website guy/poppa extraordinaire/geeky gamer/squasher of bugs
Proudest Accomplishment: having my own art gallery showings/becoming quite handy at home improvement/having made an awesome daughter with my awesome wife/teaching Coraline to fist bump
Perfect Day: Convincing Pattie to go to Mirage to smoke a hookah (someday …)/convincing Pattie to go to Amsterdam (hey, I can dream)/not having to change a poopy diaper — hell, any diapers
Most Unusual Gift: That I received from someone else? African fertility statue (don’t ask). That I gave to someone? Two rolls of nickels (again, don’t ask).
Recent Impulse Buy: my iPad (here iPad, iPad, iPad)
Internet Therapy: World of Warcraft/reading up on and geeking out about coding languages/watching Archer via Netflix streaming
Can’t Shop Without: Pattie making me
My Wife: ROCKS