Movie Quotes Meme

Song Lyric of the Day:

You say you know what he did / But you idiot kid / You don’t have a clue / Sometimes they just get caught in the eye / You’re pulling him through

Elliott Smith / “Needle in the Hay

I got this movie quotes meme from a fellow Knoxvillian’s blog, Esoteric Arcana (you can also check out other Knoxville blogs listed here). I did tweak the meme a bit in that I increased the number of quotes from 15 to 20 since I couldn’t whittle down my list.

Movie Quotes Meme

1. Pick 20 of your favorite movies.
2. Go to IMDb and find a quote from each movie.
3. Post them here for everyone to guess.
4. Fill in the film title once it’s guessed.
5. NO GOOGLING/using IMDb search functions. Totally cheating, you dirty cheaters.

  1. It’s amazing. You look like a normal person, but actually you are the angel of death. (When Harry Met Sally…, guessed by Jonnie)
  2. Two blokes and a fuck-load of cutlery!
  3. My parents, Sharon and Dave. Generous, doting — or were they? All I ever wanted was a Ballerina Barbie. In her pretty pink tutu. My birthday. I was 10, and do you know what they got me? Malibu Barbie. (Addams Family Values, guessed by Vanessa)
  4. Get busy living, or get busy dying. (The Shawshank Redemption, guessed by Jonnie)
  5. The Bronx is up, the Battery is down, and home is this way.
  6. Would anyone like … a peanut?
  7. He worked in profanity the way other artists might work in oils or clay. (A Christmas Story, guessed by Cathy)
  8. It’s still warm. (Young Frankenstein, guessed by Gillian)
  9. There’s no such thing.
  10. We are men of action; lies do not become us. (The Princess Bride, guessed by Cathy)
  11. Death means carnage; Christmas means carnage! (Babe, guessed by Gillian)
  12. I’m going to kill myself tomorrow.
  13. Dude, mimes don’t talk.
  14. I can do anything — I’m the chief of police.
  15. You’re born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you’re up in the rarefied atmosphere and you’ve forgotten what shit even looks like.
  16. You know, the Egyptians used to worship cats.
  17. First day on the job, you know what I learned? How to spot a murderer. Let’s say you arrest three guys for the same killing. You put them all in jail overnight. The next morning, whoever’s sleeping is your man. (The Usual Suspects, guessed by Jonnie)
  18. Guess I always wanted to work with children. I hate when people call ’em kids. Sounds like little goats. But when you’ve had a dream as long as I have, you’ll do anything.
  19. Without spontaneity, the world of B&Bs is fairly meaningless. (Flirting With Disaster, guessed by Cathy)
  20. Do you want us to find a cure and save the world or just fall in love and fuck? Plans are pointless. Staying alive’s as good as it gets.

Guess away. And remember — no cheating!


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13 Responses to Movie Quotes Meme

  1. Cathy

    7. A Christmas Story
    10. The Princess Bride
    19. Flirting with Disaster

  2. Boriqua

    Way to go, Cathy! 🙂

    Color me particularly impressed on the Flirting With Disaster quote — almost no one I know has seen this awesome movie.

  3. Anonymous

    3. Addams Family Values. I freakin’ love that movie!

    Sorry, but that’s the ONLY one I could figure out!


  4. kim

    that’s a fun meme. problem is that i’ve watched a lot of (older) movies in german = even if i know the movie i won’t know the quote 😉

  5. Anonymous

    #2 dogma

  6. Boriqua

    Alas, # 2 is not Dogma. Good guess, though!

  7. Anonymous

    is 14. Hot Fuzz????


  8. Anonymous

    #13 has to be “Singles”, right?….Eric Stolz as the annoyingly chatty mime, I believe


  9. Boriqua

    Number 14 is not Hot Fuzz, but you’re close.

  10. Boriqua

    Jonnie — Great guess on Singles, but that movie is not on the list.

  11. Jonnie

    #1 is definitely “When Harry Met Sally”
    #4 is “Shawshank Redemption”
    #6 is “The Princess Bride”
    and I think #17 is from “The usual Suspects”? It’s one of my faves, so if not, I’ll feel pretty silly…
    #13 is still bugging me, but I will resist the urge to go to Imdb…How many mime-related quotes could there be?…Reminds me of a young Billy Crystal saying “Mime is money” to an even younger Dana Carvey in “This is Spinal Tap”….

  12. Boriqua

    You got three out of four right, Jonnie!

    Alas, #6 is not from The Princess Bride (#10 was). The quote in question is from a movie in a totally different genre — and much more recent.

    Oh, and it turns out a lot of movies have quotes about mimes. 😉

  13. the liberal samurai

    16. Catwoman

    Never saw the movie but it sounds like something from it. BTW, if you are planning on going to TIFF this year you should start booking hotels/flights ASAP. The best deals pop up right around now. I just booked my flight from Richmond & Eric is booking from Nashville any day now!

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