Tuesday 10: Random Things My Puppy Drove Me to Say

  1. Grab him! He’s got a bottle of Corona!
  2. Oh my God, he’s got a knife!
  3. Please quit humping your brother’s head.
  4. Gross! He’s running around with the peed-on towel like it’s a cape!
  5. Oh no. Was that your iPod Nano?
  6. He’s got another knife!
  7. Where’d you get that box of spaghetti?
  8. Grab him! He’s got a pork chop!
  9. How did you manage to pee across six feet? And make those loops?
  10. Sweetie, I love you, but why are you such an asshole?


Filed under humor, list, puppy

3 Responses to Tuesday 10: Random Things My Puppy Drove Me to Say

  1. Anonymous

    LMAO! Those are GREAT!


  2. Boriqua

    And, sadly, not even close to being made up. But then again, anyone who knows Troubadour already knows that. 🙂

  3. Stephanie


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