Song Lyric of the Day:
The moon is shining on your face / And I finally think it’s found its place / Cuz maybe baby / I just wanna do you, do you / Do you wanna do me, do me? / Underneath the moonlight, moonlight
Dylan / “In the Moonlight (Do Me)“
I’d really hoped to blog over the weekend — I almost never do that anymore, save for the occasional Eye Candy post or Photoblogging. My vacation posts were a special occasion, of course.
Even though it’s now Tuesday, I still feel like I’m coming down from the weekend. Rich and I were more social this past weekend than we’ve been in a long time. It all started Friday night when we got dressed up and enjoyed the S&W Grand sneak peek downtown.
Saturday morning, we enjoyed a tour of our new office building, which is still under construction. (We’re told we’ll be moving there early Q2.) Behold the new building, a mockup of our future cubicles, and the third-floor space where my department is scheduled to reside:
Saturday afternoon, I was off to a showing of Paranormal Activity (SO glad I never sleep with my foot out from under the covers. If you’ve seen it, you know why.) Saturday evening, Rich and I hosted Samantha and Michael and baby Stephen for a belated birthday celebration for Michael. We cooked chicken cacciatore and oven-roasted root vegetables and played a lot of Rock Band. Hearing his aunt and uncle and dad “playing” instruments while his mom gamely sang (ahem), baby Stephen was motivated to crawl a couple of feet. Probably to try and leave the room to escape the musical cacophony.
Sunday morning Rich and I hit the Alcoa Greenway for a bike ride. What did I get out of that bike ride? An overwhelming desire for very padded pants. Like baboon-ass-padded pants. Late Sunday afternoon we were off to Rich’s parents house for a delicious dinner; we also took Caleb along to visit his cousin Happy, whom he hadn’t seen in a very long time.
Last night we hosted one of Rich’s college roommates, his wife, and their adorable 17-month-old daughter when they came by the house for a visit (they were only in town for about a day and a half and I’d never met them before).
And all those activities are why this old woman is tired and needs a nap.
*I’m trying really, really hard to let myself be photographed a bit more. Because I always hate the way I look in photos, I’d much rather be on the operating side of the camera. I allow myself to be photographed about as often as a rare, purple, singing, pizza-eating bird that lives deep in a wild, yet-to-be-discovered jungle. Maybe even a bit less.
That's a lot of windows in the new building! Good for the economy, employing all those window washers.
And you look beautiful in pictures my dear!