Tag Archives: demi’s deli knoxville

Climbing to Great Heights

Song Lyric of the Day:

Some believe in god / Some worship the devil / Some go to church / Others pray to the moon

Persephone’s Bees / “Nice Day

Rich and I went to the Smoky Mountains yesterday and hiked the Alum Cave Trail. Turns out a fairly steep incline triggers my mild asthma (as does the funeral scene in Steel Magnolias); our descent was a cakewalk compared to the climb up. It took us almost exactly three hours round-trip for the 4.6-mile hike; that includes about 20 minutes or so at the bluffs to recuperate from the hike up.

Was it worth it? Absolutely:
I’ll add more photos tomorrow or Tuesday. Between the hike yesterday and lots of housework today, I’m not looking to spend a lot of time on the computer tonight.

Driving back into town around 4PM, we decided to grab a very late lunch at Demi’s Deli, which just opened in the Food City shopping center by our house. Our sandwiches were delicious; Rich had a Cuban while I had the Little Italy (without mayo). We ate half our sandwiches there, and took the other halves home for dinner later on. I, of course, took a photo of mine come dinner time.
LinkYummy looking, isn’t it? (Tab over the note to see the ingredients). We’ll definitely be going back. Not only were the sandwiches divine, but the baked potato salad was to die for.

Good thing we’d already done a lot of cardio for the day; it turned out to be a pre-emptive strike for our sandwiches. And the cookies we baked later.

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Filed under great smoky mountains