About Me

I started this blog way back in October 2004 when my husband and I were living in Chesapeake, Virginia. My husband pointed out that it would be good for me to write more, and I could keep our family updated on what was going on in our lives. He’d been writing on his own blog for a bit by that point, but I soon surpassed him not only in how often I posted, but by kicking things up a notch when I started including photos in my posts. Just like that, the student became the teacher. Revolutionary, I know.

I’m a bona-fide Nuyorican: a Puerto Rican born in New York City. Manhattan, to be exact. From there my family moved to Charlotte, then to Houston, and finally, to Knoxville, where we’ve been since 1987, give or take the five years I lived in Chesapeake after getting married. We moved back to Knoxville in 2005 because we were tired of only seeing our families twice a year and knew that if we ever had children, we’d want to live as close to family as possible.

I’m still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up (first choice: Colin Farrell’s human blanket), but as a kid I wanted to be a veterinarian until I found out (1) what euthanization was and (2) that I’d have to euthanize pets as part of the job. I ended up taking a hard pass on that. I then discovered photography and decided I wanted to be a photographer. A relative killed that professional dream with a few poorly chosen words: You’ll never make any money. Of course, it also was not an option for a major when I attended the University of Tennessee Knoxville, so that felt like a sign. I am still a die-hard amateur photographer, though. I ended up majoring in technical writing, again because of a few poorly chosen words, this time on the part of my college adviser: No one will ever hire you if they see that you majored in creative writing. I’ve since learned to ignore the naysayers.

After multiple stints in government contracting (thankyouverymuch, technical-writing degree), I finally got hired at my current job with a major online media company. After two straight years of applying for any position for which I was even remotely qualified, they finally called — then hired — me in April 2006, and I’ve been with them ever since.

My husband and I live with our two kids, Coraline and Sebastian, and our very spoiled Chihuahua, Capone. We live in an old ranch-style house in a pretty central location in Knoxville that makes it convenient to quickly get to wherever we might need to go. The house has no shortage of projects and updating that it needs to keep us busy for years to come. This blog is where I write about whatever might be on my mind on a given day, what’s going on with my family, and the (far and few) travel adventures we have.

Thanks for stopping by!



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