Category Archives: tv

TV Worship

Song Lyric of the Day:

I can’t remember anything / Can’t tell if this is true or dream / Deep down inside I feel to scream

Metallica / “One”

Lost” Recap Haiku:

Charlie and Claire gone

All are looking for Ethan

Charlie dead alive

I can’t believe we have to wait until January to see another new episode of Lost! Actually, I can, because I’m fully aware of how TV networks program after November sweeps and around the holidays. It’s just that last night’s episode, “All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues,” was so good and it left us with a couple of cliffhangers—one small, one big. I don’t remember the last time I was this addicted to a TV show. And it’s astonishing to see how involved Rich is, since watching TV is not one of his favorite things to do. At least when Lost returns in January it will now be followed by Alias. Which means Rich and I will be glued to the TV every Wednesday night for the rest of this year’s TV season.

While I love, love, love movies as well, I guess I love TV a bit more. Why? Probably because a great TV show is like a great book. You get these wonderfully involving, multi-layered plots that unfold over the course of several episodes or a series’ entire run. You can have myriad characters, both minor and major, who can flit in and out without causing a ripple or who can turn everything on its head. You get to really know characters, see them evolve, and watch them grow, sometimes in genuinely surprising ways. And every now and then there is a reference to an earlier event/joke/episode that feels like a reward for being loyal.

Tonight I’ll be watching my two favorite dramas-which don’t quite fit the formula in that they’re not serialized-“CSI” and “Without a Trace.” While we continue to get to know and see these shows’ characters evolving, it’s not necessary to watch every episode to know what’s going on. And I think that’s why they’re so successful. Some viewers gripe about how unrealistic it is that a criminal is caught and a lost person found in one episode. While I understand where they’re coming from, it is TV. And in TV land, normal rules do not apply. Even these two shows do not always have happy endings. From the TV industry perspective of things, this non-serialized format is sheer genius. Repeats do almost as well as first-run episodes precisely because someone who hasn’t watched the show before can jump right in and know exactly what’s going on. That’s why shows like “ER” and “NYPD Blue” do badly in repeats—a new viewer is not going to have any clue as to what’s going on, since episodes start in the middle of the very long stories they’re telling. Also, in “ER”’s case, I think the continually depressing story lines have something to do with that. And why, oh, why won’t the writers let any character be happy anymore? Those are but a couple of the reasons why “WAT” is stomping “ER” in the ratings lately.

Before I get to my appointment TV viewing tonight, I have to tidy the house up some. While it’s very festively decorated for the holidays, we have yet to put away the ornament boxes and various other items involved in decorating. I need to restore order before I can kick back and relax. And relax I will.


Filed under personal, television, tv, tv and me

Getting "Lost" in the Mourning After

Song Lyric of the Day:

People listen attentively / I mean about future calamity / I used to think the idea was obsolete / Until I heard the old man stamping his feet.

Squirrel Nut Zippers / “Hell”

The election has come and gone, and I am still stunned that Kerry did not win. How could America have re-elected Bush? Seriously, how could everyone overlook what a mess our country is in, and still re-elect him? I understand the argument that he knows what’s going on, whereas Kerry would be coming in to this huge mess, but I still wanted to see Kerry get the chance to try and fix things. As an American citizen and as a woman, I am scared about what havoc Bush will wreak over the next 4 years. Canada has never sounded so appealing. Regardless, whatever my feelings are about the outcome of the presidential election, I refuse to let it put a damper on my trip to Las Vegas tomorrow.

Watching Lost last night helped me and Rich escape from reality for one wonderfully involving hour. This show is one of the major high points of the new TV season. Like anything Joss Whedon creates, I would watch anything J.J. Abrams creates. Rich and I have been hooked on Alias since it began, and Abrams did not disappoint with Lost. Who else could turn the concept of plane crash survivors who end up on a mysterious island on its ear? Last night’s episode, “The Moth,” gave us the back story on Charlie, a heroin-addicted former rock star. That’s the brilliance of this show — we’re not just seeing how these survivors are dealing with being on this island, but every week, layers are peeled back to reveal a different character’s back story. Seven episodes in, we know that Jack never lived up to his parents’ expectations, his father’s in particular. Kate was in a U.S. Marshal’s custody for reasons still unknown. Sun knows how to speak English but won’t let on to her husband, whom she’d been planning to leave. Locke was paralyzed and can now walk. Rich and I can’t wait to see what other revelations lie in store. I have to make a point to program the VCR to record next Wednesday’s episode, as I won’t be back from Las Vegas until late that night.

One more day and I’ll be out West, in the land of neon. I can’t wait! Other than a couple of shows, I don’t have any concrete plans for what to do while I’m there. My friend Brent and I will probably wing it, which will be fine with me. As long as I get some gambling time. I’ve got to win the hubby a new car and have enough left over to buy him a nice poker set. Or so I hope.

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Filed under personal, politics, tv