Soldiering On

Song Lyric of the Day:

Did you make disease, and the diamond blue? / Did you make mankind after we made you? / And the devil too!

XTC / “Dear God”

Still haven’t heard anything about “War of the Worlds.” I’m a bit disappointed, but not at all surprised. I think they would rather cast people much closer to the actual filming location, whereas I would have at least a 7-hour round-trip drive. And, on some level, I have to say I’m relieved—not only did I not want to deal with the long drive, but then I’d have to worry about getting off work.

The week’s been pretty uneventful so far, at least for me personally. We received some distressing news at work on Monday that Ed’s son, Eddie, was shot while fighting in Fallujah, Iraq. One of his fellow Marines was killed in the attack and two others were wounded. We all feel like we know Eddie through Ed’s stories and updates, so while we were upset to hear that he was hurt, we were happy to hear that will be home in time for the holidays and should make a full recovery. I wish his comrades well in their recoveries, too.

Last night Rich and I finished decorating our Christmas tree and putting up a few more decorations around the house. It really warms me to see how festive our house is looking. And it makes me even happier that the cats are being respectful of the tree this year. So far, at least. Now I just need to finish up shopping and get some presents under the tree.

That’s where I really shine at Christmastime—present-wrapping. I don’t know why I enjoy wrapping presents so much, but I do. Like on an episode of Will & Grace, if I could have a spare room dedicated solely for the purpose of wrapping presents, I would. Sick, I know. But my presents are legendary among my family. My sisters expect at least one of their presents to be wrapped in my signature sparkly purple paper (I have about 40 different Christmas rolls total). Even my dad makes it a point to compliment me on how beautifully his presents are wrapped. And Mom feels guilty about ripping the paper off her presents. While Rich mocks me about it, he usually ends up asking me to wrap some presents for him. Which I happily oblige.

After finishing the tree, I sat down to watch “Scrubs” while Rich worked out. Really, I just don’t understand how this show has not won an Emmy already. Last night’s episode was a prime example of how well-written and acted this show is. The characters are always real, no matter how silly their flights of fancy may be (J.D.’s Sugar Hill Gang alarm clock, anyone?). And I love how relatable and honest Turk’s relationship with Carla is. And how Janitor has had it in for J.D. since day one. And how Dr. Cox, despite always referring to J.D. as “Newbie” or with a girl’s name, genuinely sees what a great doctor he is becoming. Maybe I just expect everyone else to have high standards for comedy (yes, I take some things about TV very seriously). Which is why I would never watch “Hope & Faith.” Or “Yes, Dear.” Or “Still Standing.” You get the picture.

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Filed under personal

2 Responses to Soldiering On

  1. allaboutsushi

    The show “Yes, Dear” is truly annoying – I agree.

    You should take a few pics of your wonderfully wrapped presents. I would love to see them since I am so pathetic about that sort of stuff.

    My big thing every year is a theme – along with a color scheme. We also do a craft every Christmas eve – everyone must – no exceptions!! This year it’s mobiles (Christian’s inspirational idea, in fact). Last year it was homemade gingerbread houses. It’s a pain gathering all the stuff together, but, ultimately it’s fun and appreciated.

    I’m sure family and friends eagerly await your creations and it warms their hearts that you put so much care into their packages!

  2. shera1432

    You should start a support group for WRAPPING OCD victims….

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