The Name Game

Song Lyric of the Day:

Everybody move to the back of the bus

Outkast / “Rosa Parks”

Before I began going off on all things mundane and trivial, I’d like to pay my respects to Rosa Parks, who passed away last night. She was a true hero to whom people of all colors could look up to and admire for her convictions. She showed what it was to be brave in an era when it wasn’t in her best interest to do so. More of us should be willing to be that brave and to take a stand when we know we should do the right thing. May Ms. Parks rest in peace. She will be missed.

Now on to the mundane and trivial.

Am I the only one who’s tired of the media trend of naming celebrity couples by merging their names together? Blame Bennifer I. It just really annoys me to hear/read references to TomKat, Brangelina, Dashton, et al. Use their names, for pete’s sake! And now the press is trying to dub a certain new are-they-or-aren’t-they couple “Vaniston.”

That said, Rich and I will henceforth be known as “Rattie©.”

I’m also open to suggestions for combining my name with Wentworth’s. (Patworth©? Wentricia©?)

Doh! I almost forgot that the Tennessee Theater is playing “Beetlejuice,” one of my all-time favorite movies, this Sunday at 2PM. I need to find someone to go with me (hint, hint). Ahem. I actually saw “Beetlejuice” in a theater during its original run, so it’d be really neat to see it on the big screen again.

It’s so dreary out today. And it’s cold. It is definitely starting to feel like winter here. I did bundle up earlier today to run out and grab some lunch. Then I set about painting the half bathroom, steaming the bathroom carpet, and sanding and staining the bookcase Rich built me.

Now I’m going to take a well-deserved break and watch some more “Firefly” (again, Joss Whedon is a god in the television world). I have to finish the series soon so Rich and I can see “Serenity” while it’s still in theaters (it’s great not having to pay for movies again). I wonder what else is out there that’s worth seeing…I of course have to check out “The Fog,” see how it compares to the original. And I’ll definitely have to check out “Saw II.” Although that trailer where the creepy-a$$ little doll-puppet laughs makes me almost wet my pants. One of the spookiest things ever.

To the writers of the WB show, “Supernatural,” let me say thanks for scaring the p!ss out of me. Nightmare forecast: 99%. Of course, being scared is a big reason why I really enjoy this show. I think it’s the most “X-Files”-ish show of the last few years. And, as Tamara would point out, it stars two really hot guys. Tonight’s episode makes me really wish I hadn’t missed the bloody mary episode a couple of weeks ago. I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled for the repeat. If nothing else, hopefully it’ll erase the memory of “Urban Legends: Bloody Mary” from my brain. Here’s hoping.

So my good friend, Jonnie, posted a list of 101 things about himself. Why 101? Because it’s one more than I listed. Fear not. His uppance will come. (Let’s see if he gets that reference).

Between “Supernatural” and “Nip/Tuck” tonight, I’d say there’s a very high likelihood that I will have some freaky dreams and/or nightmares. And because I’m smart that way, I have “Halloween 5” on AMC right now. Samantha will be hearing from me tomorrow.

Rich doesn’t get the appeal of horror movies; of course, he didn’t grow up watching them the way I did, either. I’ve tried explaining to him that it’s kind of like riding roller coasters and other thrill rides–being scared can be really exhilarating and fun. He’s going to be a good sport and attend Jonathan and Curry’s horrorfest this Friday in honor of Halloween. I actually don’t own a lot of horror movies (shocker, I know) and am trying to decide which, if any, of our movies to take. I don’t own one of the scariest movies I’ve ever seen, which is “When a Stranger Calls;” this is one of the first movies I remember seeing that was based on an urban legend, that of the babysitter menaced by a killer. It still scares the bejesus out of me to this day. See, that’s what happens when you see scary movies at a young, very impressionable age. You end up scarred/scared for life. Case in point: Thanks to all those family nights watching the newest “Friday the 13th” movie on HBO, whenever I went on a Girl Scout camping trip and we had to go hiking, I always made sure I was in the middle, between at least two other girls. Why? Because my reasoning was if Jason Voorhees was lurking in the woods and looking to grab an innocent victim, he’d grab my friends, giving me time to run and save my skinny little butt. That, my friends, is what we call an issue.


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6 Responses to The Name Game

  1. Flossy

    I am SOOOOOOO there!!!!!!!!!!! Shawn can come too if he wants lol ;-}

  2. Flossy

    I’ll speak for both of us then, we’d love to!! ;-} That’ll be soooo fun!

  3. Flossy

    Guess who?! 😀 Glad to hear you dressed yourself lol. Steaming the carpet? Sounds interesting..he built you a bookcase? Cool..maybe he can build his sis-in-law a shotglass cabinet? 😉 Definately gotta see Saw II!!! We need a scary movie night soon too!

  4. shera1432

    Personally I think Patworth has a nice ring to it. What does Kenneth and Vanessa combine into? Nothing funny I think. lol. I would LOVE to go and see Beetlejuice with you if I was still there. FYI I think you will be disappointed with the new Fog. Brent is still rambling about what a letdown it was! I think Saw II looks scary as sh*t, but Brent says it looks like it is gonna stink…. Mr. I think I know it all Mathis will wind up going to see it anyways!

  5. Rich

    You are SO grounded, girl.

    I’m hiding the remote, the batteries, and somehow, all the books.

  6. Jonnie

    Hello again….Nice links today, especially the horror ones.
    ( is one of my faves too).I added some cool links to my listof 101 if you get a chance to check ’em out …thanx for spreading the word to your loyal base about my blog ….much love….

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