The First Day

Song Lyric of the Day:

I’ve got a secret I’ve been hiding under my skin / My heart is human, my blood is boiling, my brain IBM / So if you see me acting strangely, don’t be surprised

Styx / “Mr. Roboto”

Today was a long day. Orientation, training, forms, more training, more forms, more training. As it is, I just now finished filling out another form. Which brings my two-day total to about 18 forms, or approximately 30+ pages’ worth. Let it never be said that getting a security clearance is easy. You have to go back x number of years and list everything about yourself and everyone you know who knows you.

Middle name? Check.
Address? Check.
Years known? Check.
Your best friend in elementary school’s first pet’s name? Huh?

Tomorrow will be my first day on site. I had no idea until today what my hours were going to be. Turns out I will work 10-hour days Monday through Thursday and then have Friday off. How cool is that? Every weekend will be a three-day weekend. Yay me! First up this Friday: sleeping in. Because I have to wake up at the ungodly hour of 5:30AM to get to work on time. I’m going to go start watching CSI: Miami in a few minutes, take my sleep medication halfway through, and then drag myself downstairs to bed when it kicks in.

I’ll write more tomorrow when I’m a bit more lucid and after I’ve gotten home at a decent hour; after having dinner with Rich and Vanessa, followed by a quick trip to the grocery store, tonight I didn’t get home until 9PM. As it is, I’m half-blind after all those forms and time logged on the computer fulfilling training requirements.

Pattie out.


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3 Responses to The First Day

  1. shera1432

    Did any of those forms ask for your “porno name”?! Does that guarantee your security clearance?!

    Cookwood out!

  2. Rich

    I’m proud of you, love.

    – Mr. Roboto

  3. The Angry Soapbox

    Congrats on reentering the rat race, I mean the employment pool. Do you still have the Mole Badge?
    I’m sure it will come in handy.
    Use it like you mean it!!


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