Pattie Lee and The Mystery of the Old Children’s Books

Song Lyric of the Day:

Would you go along with someone like me / If you knew my story word for word / Had all of my history / Would you go along with someone like me


At lunch today, I ended up telling my friends about these cool books I had as a kid. Since both friends are 10 years younger than me, they had absolutely no clue what the hell I was talking about. The problem is, for the life of me, I can’t remember what the series was called. They were comb-/spiral-bound, approximately workbook-sized, so they’d lay flat when open, and each page of the book had a little vinyl disc that looked like a record on it (I remember yellow and blue discs). You needed the special little hand-held “record player” to place on top of the disc; you’d press the button, and — voila! — the book was read to you. I specifically remember Disney books that I had like this (one about a haunted house), but I’m not sure it’s a Disney-only thing. Does anyone remember these? For my sanity’s sake, I sure as hell hope someone else out there remembers these and can tell me what they’re called. And, no, they’re not the book-record combos. The records were part of the books. Lots of Googling and searching eBay haven’t yielded anything.

After talking about these books today, I was reminded of how much I loved them and how they were some of my favorite books as a kid, particularly since the characters’ parts were read in the characters’ voices. I was crushed when I called my mom today to ask if she still had them, and most importantly, the player, and she said that she got rid of them long ago. I just need to hear the series’ name so I can hunt down some new ones and hopefully find a player on eBay. Fingers crossed someone else out there can refresh my memory.

*Today’s Song Lyric of the Day is the result of my friend, Frank, asking me yesterday if I knew “that whistling song that’s everywhere this TV season.” If you’ve watched Dirty Sexy Money, Gossip Girl, or Journeyman (RIP), you’ll know exactly which song I’m talking about. Watch the official video at Peter Bjorn & John’s website. Watch a montage of this season’s TV show use here:

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Filed under children's books, disney books, tv, youtube

One Response to Pattie Lee and The Mystery of the Old Children’s Books

  1. Cathy

    It was a Fisher Price Talk to Me Player, most of the books were Disney related, but there were some others like the Bernstein Bears.

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