Change of Topic

Song Lyric of the Day:

Let the bodies hit the floor / Push me again / This is the end / Skin against skin blood and bone / You’re all by yourself but you’re not alone

Drowning Pool / “Bodies

I had a specific post topic all picked out for today but haven’t had time to write about it like I wanted to, so I’ve got nothing for you. As it is, I’m not quite feeling a hundred percent. I’ve had a tickle at the back of my throat all day and have been far phlegmier than usual (which is, sadly, saying something). So what have I done tonight? In keeping with my resolution to work on paper clutter, I started clearing off my side of the long bureau. Now you can actually see the right side. Then I got really ambitious and started tidying up the Florida room, which served as gift wrap central for Christmas. I’m happy that I at least managed to be a bit productive tonight despite feeling blah. Figures — I was talking with my friend, Kristen, last night about how Rich and I hardly ever get sick compared to how often we were sick in Virginia. I just may have jinxed myself.

Before I forget, WTF happened to make Hillary Clinton win the New Hampshire primary yesterday? I thought Barack Obama had a lock on it. I’m still rooting for him, though. I don’t buy into that whole “women need to support their fellow sister” crap. I believe in supporting the candidate who I think will be best for our country, and it is most definitely not Hillary. You could resurrect the High Holiest Puerto Rican of All Time©, Roberto Clemente, and I wouldn’t vote for him just because I’m Puerto Rican, too. It boils down to what a candidate stands for, not what I have in common with them. What does your preferred presidential candidate stand for?


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3 Responses to Change of Topic

  1. Anonymous

    Well, you asked for it, so……. My candidate is a moral conservative (like me) on issues like abortion, the death penalty, and gay marriage…But that’s not why I heart Huckabee (sorry, couldn’t resist)…I love his socially progressive ideas on prevention as a focus for his health care plan, (“We don’t have a health care crisis in this country. We have a health crisis.”..Huckabee lost almost 100 lbs. a few years back)
    not to mention his platform to institute the “Fair Tax” plan that libertarians (who I agree with more times than not on “government size” concerns) have been championing for decades now. That one may cost him the nomination, however, since the tyranny of tradition demands that we try no new ideas in Washington. Anyway, Huckabee is the best candidate on the right, in my estimation. Of course in this election, with all the Bush-hating being so in vogue, being the best Republican candidate is a lot like being the best looking freak at the carnival. He may as well have a third eye to some voters. Oh well, if the pendulum does swing the way of the Dems this year, it won’t be long before we’re crying for change again. It’s the nature of the beast.


  2. Anonymous

    By the way… I’m not an Obama hater. I just think he might be more hype than hope . We love to make a political outsider a front-runner in this country, we just don’t typically vote them into office once they are in fact a front-runner. He is charismatic though, and those people who miss Oprah telling them what to read may well let her tell them how to vote (I’m certainly not accusing you of this, but most voters aren’t as well read as yourself.)


  3. Boriqua

    Ha! Love the “heart Huckabee” comment.

    As for Obama being more hype than hope, I think that applies to all presidential candidates. We hype them in the hope that they will, if elected, be just what our country needs.

    Regardless of who wins, I don’t envy the job they have ahead of them.

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