Still Here, Still Wheezy

Song Lyric of the Day:

You can’t turn back the clocks / You can’t pull me up from here / So don’t try

Armor for Sleep / “Car Underwater

So much for my new year’s resolution to blog every day, huh? (Although, to be fair, I knew it’d be a hard one to keep with the Uruguay trip coming up.) But what can I say? I was sick. S-I-C-K. Siiiiiiiccccccck. So almost half the days I didn’t blog were spent in complete misery, including going through a magnificent, record-setting number of tissues in a few days. I was even exiled to sleep in the guest room (four nights in a row) so the spouse could at least get some decent sleep. Of course, my cat, Yum Yum, was beyond thrilled to finally be able to declare victory and get to sleep with Mommy. Nothing like having your purring cat flexing his paws in your armpit to lull you to a Nyquil-induced sleep.

Take note: Never brag to your out-of-state friend how you no longer get sick like you used to when you lived in said state. God said, “Ha!” and smote me something awful with the worst cold and/or sinus infection I can remember in quite some time. (I’m actually still a bit wheezy, 12 days later.) And, no, I didn’t bother going to the doctor. I hate the inconvenience of waiting almost two hours for what inevitably turns out to be a five-minute appointment. Although, in hindsight, if I’d known I’d be sick for that long, I would’ve gone. Lesson learned.

At least it wasn’t the flu. Oh, and the only good thing about being that sick? I lost 3 1/2 pounds in about four days. Starve a cold, indeed.

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Filed under illness

One Response to Still Here, Still Wheezy

  1. kim

    wow, doesn’t sound like much fun 🙁 feel better soon! *hugs*

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