Top O’ the Mornin’ to Ya / A Distinguished Gentleman

Song Lyric of the Day:

But you see, it’s not me, it’s not my family / In your head, in your head, they are fighting / With their tanks and their bombs / And their bombs and their guns / In your head, in your head, they are crying

The Cranberries / “Zombie”

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to everyone (and happy first payday to me). While Knoxville isn’t exactly known for its large Irish population, I know I’ll be seeing people adorned in green everywhere I go today. The city isn’t hosting any St. Patty’s Day-themed celebrations that I’m aware of, but I guess locals could always celebrate by watching Colin Farrell movies, listening to U2, and drinking green-dyed beer. Not that I’ll be doing any of that. Well, maybe listening to some U2. Haven’t listened to them in a while.

While I’m home this weekend (and not in Nashville for Vanessa’s bachelorette party), I will be burning TV shows off our Tivo and onto DVD. The playlist is far, far too long at the moment; it’s overloaded since I can no longer watch any hour-long shows after 9PM due to my early Sunday through Wednesday bedtime. Also, I still have the entire first half of Prison Break‘s season on there, which by itself is taking up over a dozen hours of recording time. Totally worth it, though.

Speaking of Prison Break, which is something I often do in this blog, the season’s second half premieres this Monday night at 8PM EST on Fox. I’ve written about the show so often, in fact, that one of its stars, Muse Watson (Charles Westmoreland), stumbled across my blog and left a comment several months back. I was so surprised to see a comment purportedly from him that I went to Mr. Watson’s personal website and emailed him asking if it was in fact him. He politely replied back that yes, it was indeed him. I was so impressed with his graciousness that I joined Justin’s Muse Watson Club on Yahoo, a forum where Mr. Watson receives and answers questions about all aspects of his career and body of work. I’ve seen how quickly he answers our questions (when not on set), supports charities, and is basically an all-around good person. His responses are always well written, and he has quite a mischievous sense of humor. A couple of days ago, he wrote something so gracious about his costar, Wentworth Miller, that I asked if I could share it here. I asked if I could share it because I think it truly epitomizes what a kind, selfless person Mr. Watson is, and it just makes me love him even more. So here’s what he had to say about one Mr. Miller, straight from Justin’s Muse Watson Club:

Well, the break in filming has officially started. Everyone will get a well deserved rest. Believe me, the filming has been exhausting for everyone, but I just don't know how Wentworth did it. When the rest of us were getting a day here and a day there to recoup, he had to be on set just about every day. That schedule, coupled with the instant stardom and overnight sex symbol status, would have made most men a jackass. Wentworth, on the other hand, continues to be the intelligent, grounded and pleasant young man he was when he got the pilot. He and I passed like ships in the night on my last night of shooting, so he left me a very dear note telling me what he thought I was doing for the show and expressing his disappointment that we didn't get to say Good bye in person. If my friend gets to be the biggest star the world has ever known, it will never have been more deserved. I'm telling you him, go see his movies, buy his likeness on anything you can, and know that you have encouraged Hollywood to promote one of the best men in the business.

Here's to you, my friend.

Muse Watson

If more celebrities were this down-to-earth, the taboids wouldn’t have a leg to stand on. I’m proud of Mr. Watson’s genorisity in allowing me to reprint his comment here, and more proud that he identifies himself as a part-time East Tennesseean. I’m still holding out hope that one day when he’s in the area, he will be able to meet with me in person–coffee, lunch, whatever. Especially now that I can provide him security background check paperwork to prove that I’m not a nut. Not that kind of nut, anyway. But he’s a busy man, and I’m just happy that he is able to correspond with us fans whenever possible. So here’s to you, Mr. Watson.

I need to clarify that my sisters and I are not actually going to any male strip clubs or male revues while in Nashville this weekend. The most action we’ll probably see is people riding mechanical bulls. So everyone can calm down about it now. Oy.


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3 Responses to Top O’ the Mornin’ to Ya / A Distinguished Gentleman

  1. shera1432

    Oy is right. The men were getting awfully pissy about the thought of us going to a wanger-doodle show! Big babies.

  2. shera1432

    Who said HA?! Be mature and admit it! HA!

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