Category Archives: baby

30 Weeks

Song Lyric of the Day:

You don’t need direction, you know which way to go / And I don’t want to hold you back, I just want to watch you grow

Carole King / “Child of Mine

A few months ago I had started a 30 Day Blog Challenge. I didn’t finish it for a couple of reasons. First, the questions weren’t as interesting (I thought) as the ones I did for the 31 Day Blog Challenge. The 30-day one felt like it had questions written by 14-year-olds. Second, Rich and I got hit with some really disheartening news, followed quickly by some very surprising news. Bigger fish to fry and all.

The surprising news was actually very good news: We are pregnant with our second child, due on November 28. What was surprising about it is that we didn’t think we’d get pregnant so quickly. Now, we know how the sex works, and we’re awesome with birth control (see: daughter it took us 10 years to have), but we didn’t think once we started trying to get pregnant that we would succeed so quickly. After all, we are six years older than last time. I’m also again considered high risk due to my age (I’ll be 75 in several decades). Alas, it turns out Rich and I are sitcom fertile, so we are now eagerly anticipating the arrival of Little Dude sometime around Thanksgiving. And no, we do not yet have his name picked out. We’ve got a long list and have to do some whittling down. I’m confident that by the time he does arrive we will have a name chosen, something simple, something he can live with and not hate. Like Pubert.

Bend It Like Little Dude

He’s a flexible little guy (taken at 28w, 2d)

Feet in the Face

Yes, those are his feet right up against his face. It must be more comfortable than it looks. (taken at 28w, 2d)



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Filed under baby, personal, pregnancy

Photoblogging: She Is … Sabrina Fierce

No sooner did I get out my camera than my niece decided to channel her alter ego, Sabrina Fierce. She’s one tough little cookie. (Photo taken 12/8/13)

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Filed under baby, family, photoblogging, photography

Another Weekend Down

Song Lyric of the Day:

When the loneliness leads to bad dreams / And the bad dreams lead me to callin’ you / And I call you and say “C’mere!” / And it’s bad news / Baby I’m bad news / I’m just bad news, bad news, bad news

Why are weekends so short? No sooner are we done working for the week than it’s back to the grind. Alas, at least I have a job to go back to. And for that I’m grateful.

We had a pretty good weekend. Had dinner with the family Friday night, which included just about melting from the cuteness when my nephew Stephen leaned into his cousin Coraline’s carseat to give her a kiss goodnight. She smiled, reached her arms out to him, and cupped his face in one of her hands. And that right there became one of my favorite things she’s ever done. Too sweet. Later Friday night I subjected Rich to my latest Netflix selection, the British series Look Around You. Let’s just say the hubby and I don’t always agree on what’s funny.

Saturday we took our friends — and Coraline’s honorary grandparents — Fran and Don up on their offer to watch Coraline so we could see a movie. While Coraline was being doted upon by Grandma Fran and Grandpa Don, Rich and I saw a matinee of Paul. We both enjoyed it — not only was it funny, but Seth Rogen didn’t annoy us as much as we’d worried he might. Of course, I’m a huge fan of Simon Pegg/Nick Frost movies, having seen Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz countless times. Hell, I could probably act them out at this point. So I really loved their take on aliens, the sci-fi genre, and the cult of comic geeks in general in Paul.

Sunday was a day for errands. The highlight of the day, however, was giving Coraine plums for the first time. She loved carrots, the first solid food she had, which we introduced the day she turned six months old. Yesterday was a completely different flavor, though, and she made some priceless faces as the tartness of the fruit hit her. She’d even shudder after a few bites, which we found hilarious. She obviously prefers carrots to plums so far. Next up in a few days (to make sure she’s not allergic to plums): bananas. I expect she’ll like those, too.

Another highlight of the weekend — for me, certainly — was finally getting some good sleep. Knock on wood, the insomnia seems to be abating a bit. Of course, I watched a horror movie, Fragile, late Saturday night that featured a creepy ghost that scared the crap out of me. So it’s sheer luck I slept at all that night. Watching a horror movie at bedtime? I never said I was smart.

And now to set about the work week …

I’ve got this feeding thing down.


Filed under baby, coraline, personal

Some Randomosity

Song Lyric of the Day:

Maybe next year I’ll have no time / To think about the questions to address / Am I the one to try to stop the fire?

Baby on the Mend

Coraline’s doctor gave her the all-clear at her recheck last Tuesday, so we were able to discontinue the nebulizer treatments. And there was much rejoicing (yay!). She had her six-month checkup yesterday and it went really well (despite the two shots). Her doctor reassured me that we had dodged a bullet — he said most of the babies he’s seen with RSV this year had to be admitted to the hospital. Coraline weighed in at 15.9 pounds, having lost a little weight while sick, and measured 25 1/2 inches long. She’s essentially in the 50th percentile across the board. There’s something to be said for having a healthy, perfectly average-sized baby.

Hello, Insomnia My Old Friend
My insomnia’s back. Thanks to having had a sick baby, recovering from and fighting off more illness myself, trying to resolve our leaky roof issue (we’re thisclose to a new roof!), and some serious personal crap, I’m sleeping less and less each night. Even with Coraline now healthy (and myself), worrying about her really took a toll on me. Add to that the other stressors I’ve been dealing with on a daily basis and I’m back to not being able to quiet my mind when I need to sleep. Most nights I can fall asleep pretty easily; I just can’t stay asleep. At this point I’m certain that if the stress doesn’t kill me, the exhaustion will.

The Roof Over Our Head
We’ve been dealing with a leaky roof for some time now. Personally, I’ve grown quite fond of the living room rain bucket. It adds a certain je ne sais quoi to our decor. And when we’ve moved it on good, dry-weather days, our cat Finn has enjoyed playing slip and slide on the towel the bucket sits on; she’s gotten quite good at sliding halfway across the living room on that towel. Well, we finally had the roofer we like come out and give us an estimate on just doing a repair on the leaky part over the living room. When our insurance company sent out an adjuster to substantiate our claim for the repair, she ended up looking over our whole roof and declaring that it was in serious need of repair and that insurance would be covering some of it (ha — I made a pun!). So instead of just getting a much-needed repair, we’ll be getting a much-needed new roof. Thank God for insurance, right?

Timothy Olyphant Is Hot
I’m finally catching up on all the episodes of Justified I have on our DVR. Not only is it a great show (you were right, Frank), but Timothy Olyphant is really easy on the eyes. That is all.

My Husband Rocks
If it weren’t for Rich, I really don’t know how I would’ve made it through some of the stuff we’ve gone through as a family recently. He’s been my rock through it all, and for that I am eternally grateful. Add in the fact that he’s an amazing father to Miss Baby, and that makes me one seriously lucky woman.


Filed under baby, coraline, personal

Dear Coraline: Month 6

Dear Coraline,

As of 1AM this morning, you turned six months old. I can’t believe you’re already half a year old (and yes, I’m already thinking about your first birthday party). You weigh about 16 pounds and fit well in clothes sized six months, although there are some three month outfits you can still wear. You’re also now in size 3 diapers (as of day 170), which look a bit big on you but fit well, which is what matters.

You now sleep through the night pretty much every night — and for that your poppa and I thank you — sleeping anywhere from 8 1/2 to 11 hours straight depending on how your day went and how tired you are. Your bedtime averages right around 8 o’clock, but some nights you’ll go to bed as early as 7:30 or as late as 9. You primarily sleep on your stomach and still enjoy sucking on your thumb when drowsy. And you always flash us the most awesome smile first thing in the morning — you’re such a happy morning baby that if you didn’t look just like your poppa and have my eyes, we wouldn’t believe you were ours. (Mommy and Poppa don’t do mornings.) You’re happy every morning, even when you have a bad night, like night 156 when we suspect you had teething pain.

And, yes, I’m still counting by the day. On day 154, you laughed spontaneously for the first time. What made you laugh? Our dog Caleb walking toward you. You held out your arms for him and he walked right into them. That’s another thing — you’re already an animal lover. You giggle and smile at all our cats and dogs and enjoy petting them all, but Caleb seems to be your favorite. Maybe because he not only loves being petted by you but because he smiles back at you, too. (You’re even good at scratching his funny spot that makes his hind leg kick.) He also loves to kiss you, especially on the face. You don’t mind it, but your poppa and I do.

You now definitely seem to have favorite toys. At the top of that short list is your pink glow seahorse, which lives in your crib. You love it so much you even figured out how to press its belly to make the music play (night 158); you now turn it on whenever you need comforting and love to sleep snuggled up against it. You’re also now excited when you see your bottle — you know it’s time to eat and eagerly reach out to grab it. On night 163, while your poppa was giving you your bedtime bottle, you reached out and held it on your own. He was so proud of you and couldn’t wait to tell me what you’d done.

This has turned out to be your worst month health-wise since you were less than a month old. On day 161, you were sniffly and fussy; that’s the first time I remember you truly reaching out for me to pick you up from your exersaucer. You got over that little cold in about a day. On a recent Saturday, you developed the sniffles again. By the next day (day 171), you were full-on miserable, coughing so much you threw up a whole bottle’s worth on me. That was also the day your poppa assembled the high chair we bought you, which you enjoyed sitting in despite feeling so awful. We monitored your symptoms closely until that Wednesday morning (day 174) when you woke up with a noticeable rasp and wheezing. We whisked you to the doctor, where you were diagnosed with RSV and croup and prescribed a nebulizer for breathing treatments. Proving once again that you have a very sweet personality, the doctors called you a “happy wheezer” at your recheck that Friday since you were all smiles for the whole staff. You’re finally feeling better and yesterday (day 180) at your recheck the doctor said your lungs were clear as a bell and that we could stop with the nebulizer treatments.

First St. Patrick’s Day (day 175)

You’re so close to sitting up by yourself. You do really well with a bit of support from me or your poppa. During a bath (day 177), you managed to hold on to the sides of your tub and sit up on your own for the first time, which was awesome to see. You are also close to crawling. You do what we call “inchworming,” where you’ll basically shimmy on your tummy until you get to where you want to be. Between you rolling over and inchworming, you can move very quickly in the blink of an eye. As of yesterday you developed a fondness for gravitating to my work laptop, which you like to smack on the keyboard, proving you are indeed your father’s daughter.

I absolutely love how happy you are all the time (even when sick), how quick you are to smile, and the sweet way you’ve started cupping my cheek with your little hands when I’m feeding you or holding you close. Sometimes you even reach out to grab my nose while you’re eating. You also now stroke and pull on your poppa’s beard, which he loves. It’s the little things like that that make my love for you grow stronger every day — the increasing ways in which you interact with and respond to us. Soon you’ll be hugging us back, something I can’t wait to experience. Not that I’m in a rush for you to grow up. You’re still my sweet little baby and I intend to cherish every little moment with you that I can, and I am so proud to be your mommy. Here’s to a fun month seven. 



Filed under baby, coraline, dear coraline, mommyblogging, personal

Baby on the Hookah

Song Lyric of the Day:
Be my friend / Hold me, wrap me up / Unfold me / I am small / I’m needy / Warm me up / And breathe me

Sia / “Breathe Me

What a day. What a weekend. Having a sick baby is no fun. At least now I think Coraline is finally starting to feel better. Today is the best she’s sounded since last Tuesday, before she woke with that rasping/wheezing in her chest Wednesday morning. I’ve been working from home every day since then to administer her nebulizer treatments (Rich worked from home Thursday and Friday to help). I’m actually taking tomorrow off to take her back to the doctor for a second recheck, deal with a few things that need to be taken care of, and get some of my shit together — well, in between her napping, that is.

As for the nebulizer, since I can’t help but inhale the mist when I’m holding it for Coraline to breathe in, it’s actually cleared up some of my sinus problems. Pretty nice side effect. Of course, from certain angles, you’d think Coraline was puffing on some sort of baby hookah pipe. But maybe that’s just me.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Yeah, it’s probably just me.

I could tell she was starting to feel better today not only by how she sounded but by the fact that whenever she was awake, she’d inchworm her way over to my work laptop and either try to hit the keyboard with her hands or try to eat it with her two teeth.


Here’s hoping tomorrow the doctor says her lungs are nice and clear.

I’m helping.


Filed under baby, coraline, illness, mommyblogging, personal

My Happy for the Day: Bathtime Fun

I saw this on the Ellen show the other day, and it makes me laugh every time I watch it. This is a good indicator of the kind of thing we can’t wait to experience when Coraline’s a bit older: bathtime and giggles. Of course, with a dog like Troubadour, she very well may end up sharing the tub if she taunts him with toys. I dare you to watch this and not laugh. I’m pretty sure that’s impossible.

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Filed under baby, my happy for the day, video

Back to the Doctor (Updated)

Song Lyric of the Day:

I told the witch doctor I was in love with you / And then the witch doctor, he told me what to do / He said that / Ooo eee, ooo ah ah, ting tang, walla wall bing bang /  Ooo eee, ooo ah ah, ting tang, walla wall bing bang

Ross Bagdasarian / “Witch Doctor

We’re taking Coraline back to the doctor for her RSV/croup recheck this morning. She definitely seemed to be worse yesterday than she was on Wednesday when we first took her in. Good thing the doc gave us a heads up about that. I’ll update later (probably around lunchtime) with what the doc says.

While her ears are still OK, the doctor heard wheezing this morning. After a breathing treatment, via a nebulizer, he noticed some improvement but still went ahead and prescribed breathing treatments every 4-6 hours while Coraline’s awake. We were given a nebulizer to bring home and a prescription for the inhaling solution to be used with it. Coraline now has to have this breathing treatment through Tuesday, when we’ll have another checkup. The doctor (and the doc who will see her for followup) called her a “happy wheezer” since she was still all smiles today. If only we were all so happy when sick, right?

I’ll be doing my best to keep working from home throughout Coraline’s recovery and treatments. If it gets to be too much, I will switch to taking PTO. This weekend will give me a better idea of how it’s going to go.

Here’s hoping the nebulizer treatments will finally help Coraline kick this RSV to the curb.


Filed under baby, coraline, illness, mommyblogging, RSV

St. Patrick’s Day 2011 — Coraline’s First

She spent it being a brave little trouper, smiling even though she was worse today than she was yesterday. And, yes, she was the only one in our family who wore green today.
“This is my lucky shirt.”
“My 1st St. Patrick’s Day” bib.


Filed under baby, coraline, mommyblogging, photography

Learning to Trust My Mothering Instincts

Song Lyric of the Day:

The devil ain’t lazy, no siree / The devil ain’t lazy, no siree / He likes to see us fight and fuss / Makes us mean enough to cuss / And then he blames it all on us / He works 24 hours a day

As I wrote the other day, Coraline’s been sick. We thought she had a cold, like she’s had — and kicked — before. She seemed to be getting better yesterday, but this morning when I got her up not only was she still coughing, but I noticed a raspy/wheezy sound to her breathing that wasn’t there before. As soon as I heard her, my gut told me I needed to call the doctor ASAP. I got her in for an afternoon appointment, fully prepared to be diagnosed with Newmommyitis. After all, the other day I almost convinced myself that she was developing pneumonia. To say that I’m paranoid about her being/getting sick is an understatement, one I imagine I share with most new parents.

Well, it turned out to be a good thing that we took her in (Rich left work to meet us there). The doctor examined her, finding that her lungs were clear and that she did not have an ear infection. Her RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) test, however, came back positive and the doctor diagnosed her cough as croup, to boot. The poor kid is miserable, with a runny nose, horrible congestion, and a hacking cough. She is now on Prednisolone to clear up the inflammation around her vocal cords (which is what causes croup — news to me). Her doctor said with RSV you usually get worse before you get better, and he suspects that Coraline is in that downswing right now. We have a recheck on Friday to see how she’s doing. She’s under orders to not go anywhere for the next couple of days, so I’ll be working from home tomorrow and Friday to take care of her; Rich also arranged to work from home the next couple of days so I don’t have to manage Sick Baby Duty by myself. We’re very fortunate that our jobs can accommodate this type of situation (not to mention our bosses’ support). Now to get Miss Baby back to 100 percent …

As for me, I’m not only happy and relieved to know that Coraline will be okay, but that I wasn’t being overly paranoid (Rich was also very concerned, just not as paranoid as I was). In this case my paranoia/concern turned out to be legit. I was validated for being worried, so I’m really glad that I trusted my instincts and got her in before she got even worse. Seems I’ll get the hang of this whole motherhood thing yet. Now to get to bed. It’s been a long day.

“I’m sick?! You’re joking!” (173 days old, 3/15/11)

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Filed under baby, coraline, illness, mommyblogging, personal, RSV