Category Archives: relationships

Happiness Together Means Time Apart

Song Lyric of the Day:

When I’m down and my hands are tied (hands are tied) / I cannot reach a pen for me to draw the line (draw the line)

The Coral / “Dreaming of You

What’s the secret to a happy marriage? Well, there are a few. Love. Trust. Honesty. Friendship. Humor. Respect. Communication — I can’t stress how important this one is (as people close to me and Rich know). But, really, the key to maintaining your sanity in marriage is time apart. That’s right — no matter how close you are, how in love, how much your time together means to you, every now and then you need to cut the cord, even if just for an afternoon or an evening.

So while I miss Rich terribly (even though he’s only been gone two days so far), I’m going to make the most of my time alone. I’ve got at least eight more days of quality me time to go. I’m working on some pieces I’ve been writing (yay me!), so I’ll have new pages to show him when he comes home. I’ll clean the house the way it hasn’t been cleaned since spring. I’ll make sleeping in the middle of our bed a habit. I’ll finally teach the dogs how to speak, all proper-like and with British accents. And, lastly, two words that strike fear in Rich’s heart, mostly because he’s not here to stop me: organizational bender. I’ll truly know how effective my efforts are when Rich has to ask me where he can find things that were right in front of him before he left — that’s when I’ll know it’s a job well done.

Of course, I’m lucky in that I have family and friends close by with whom I can spend time. I’m even hoping to squeeze a playdate in for Caleb with his cousins. A playdate will be a good chance for both of us to spend time with our family, but mostly it’ll cheer Caleb up. Because I’m not the only one who’s missing Rich.

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Filed under marriage, relationships