Tag Archives: boy hits car i’m a cloud cw veronica mars cancelled supernatural renewed open letter to CBS cranky

When a Blogger Calls

Song Lyric of the Day:

Inside us all / There’s a quiet beach / If we fall into ourselves we will become free / I myself could use a little clarity

Boy Hits Car / “I’m a Cloud”

End of my lunch break and I read that the CW cancelled Veronica Mars. Stupid network. It’s so depressing that more people tuned in to watch girls competing to become the next Pussycat Doll (Got boobs but no talent? No problem!). At least the CW renewed Supernatural for a third season. If they hadn’t, I’d be writing them an open letter right now akin to the one I wrote CBS a while back.

Now I’m all cranky. Pattie smash!

Our dogs are no longer stinky. We dropped Snoops and Caleb off at the groomer this morning on our way to work. That ol’ Catholic guilt reared its ugly head when Caleb’s leash was handed over to a grooming technician and he started visibly shaking; I felt awful leaving him like that. Snoops confidently walked with the technicians to the back; we heard her barking in outrage before we even made it out the door. That’s my stubborn girl, letting everyone know exactly how pissed she is over being put in kennel cage. You know, as if she were a common dog or something.

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