Tag Archives: cat empire how to explain caleb boobah toys dolls youtube

Return of the Boobah

Song Lyric of the Day:

When a room becomes an altar / And what beast that must exist / It flies with music from our lips / And steals a kiss and blows it

Cat Empire / “How to Explain”


Caleb is in seventh heaven this week. Why? Because his Auntie Vanessa and Uncle Ken were nice enough to give him a Boobah. Their large, dancing, hot pink Boobah, which wasn’t doing much of anything in their new house. Except following your every move with its unblinking, big brown eyes.
Those of you who have followed my blog for a while know that Caleb has never been a typical dog, much less a typical pit bull. He’s thrilled beyond belief to have a new Boobah, to the point that we have to take it away from him if we want more than five minutes of quiet at any given time. Nothing like a creepy, sing-songy, ghostlike child’s voice singing “Boooobahhhh” — followed by a weird laugh and annoyingly catchy music — to yank you out of that wonderful make-believe world of your book or TV show. And give you the heebie-jeebies.
He’s also treating it more respectfully than he’s treated his other, late Boobahs. That is to say that Jungbah Boobah still has her (his?) whole face intact. Is it because, at 4 1/2 years old, he’s matured? Doubtful. I suspect it’s because it’s been over a year since he’s had one; no one seems to sell them anymore (first the frisbees, now Boobahs — thanks a lot, Wal-Mart). I’m guessing the toddlers of America, at whom these toys were originally marketed, finally let their finicky taste in toys take them in new, wonderful directions. Still, my dog is up the creek because of that, so I’m hoping he makes this Boobah last a while. Regardless, as Caleb’s mom, I’ll be here to sew any holes that might rip open to keep Jungbah around for a while. And to tuck it away for a few minutes so I can watch Bones uninterrupted.
*Note: As soon as I find the camera cord, which seems to be AWOL in our house right now, I’ll upload a short video of Caleb with his Boobah to YouTube. In the meantime, you can watch his first home movie, The Pit Bull & the Christmas Present.

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