Tag Archives: family

I’m Not Dead Yet

Song Lyric of the Day:

Furry walls can take you on a magic carpet ride / Furry walls surround you till you got no place to hide / Let your furry fingers be your guide / Furry walls turn out the light / Furry walls please stay the night

Infant Sorrow / “Furry Walls

Wow — it’s been longer than I realized since I last updated. To the eight of you still reading, sorry about that. So what happened? Life, basically. To be more specific, life filled with illness. First Coraline got sick. She developed her first-ever fever on a Friday night, and by the following Monday was beyond miserable. It turned out she had an ear infection, although she never once pulled on her ear to clue us in. That is, other than playing with her ear while sucking her thumb, which she regularly does when hungry or tired. In addition to the ear infection, Coraline also had the cold from hell, with a horrible, hacking cough that made her cry. Rich and I agree she was sicker than when she had RSV, which is saying something. Most nights all three of us would suffer from lack of sleep since the poor kid would spend most of the night coughing and crying. It was awful seeing our little girl, who is normally so happy and non-fussy, whiny and crying from sheer misery. A few days after she got sick, I developed horrible congestion and my own hacking cough. Almost two weeks later, I still have a bit of a cough. Add in the humidity and heat here in Knoxville these days, and I’m now also wheezy. That’s right — my asthma’s kicked in again. My inhaler helps a bit, although the weather not being so oppressively hot and hazy would help more. Here’s hoping we get out of the ’90s soon. At least until my car AC is working again (we got it fixed in March and it’s not working again. Pattie is not amused).

So what else have we been up to besides illness? Work and the usual daily grind. Although Rich and I did enjoy a performance of Spamalot at the Tennessee Theatre in late May. It was awesomely hilarious (I was particularly fond of Herbert). Now I’d like to get tickets to see Young Frankenstein when it plays at the Tennessee in November. Because, really, if ever there were a Broadway musical based on one of my all-time favorites movies that I’m destined to see, it’s this one.

Despite being sick for a few weeks, Coraline still managed to practice pulling up on a regular basis. She’s now a pro at standing, although still with support. She’s gotten to the point now where she’ll cruise a bit, using whatever’s on hand to hang onto, including her play yard walls.

Standing at the Gate

Standing tall

Despite the ridiculous heat here in Knoxville, we’re still looking forward to the start of summer. Mostly because it means we can spend quality time letting Coraline play in her baby pool. We introduced her to it yesterday, and while she liked the idea of it (she loves bathtime), the water turned out to still be a bit too cold for her taste. We’ll let it keep warming up and try again in a few days. But at least I got some cute pictures of Coraline in her yellow swimsuit and matching hat. Not only did Rich and I think she looked adorable, our dog Caleb (her favorite) wholeheartedly agreed. 

Smiling at Caleb

Smiling at Caleb

In fact, Caleb thought Coraline looked so cute, he kissed her until the hat flew off her head and she tipped over.

A Kiss to Knock Her Hat Off

A kiss to knock her hat off*

*No babies or dogs were harmed in the taking of this photo. There was just a lot of saliva.

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Another Loss

Christmas Song Lyric of the Day:

Let loving hearts enthrone Him / Raise, raise the song on high

Sarah McLachlan / “What Child Is This? (Greensleeves)

The year that won’t end keeps on going. Our almost brother-in-law (the wedding is early January) lost his father last night. That’s all I have the energy to say at this point. Please pray for our family. Thanks.


Filed under family, grief, loss, personal