Tag Archives: james laid segway company picnic cash cube hampton roads virginia dsw shoe warehouse siesta


Song Lyric of the Day:

My therapist said not to see you no more / She said you’re like a disease without any cure / She said I’m so obsessed that I’m becoming a bore, oh no

James / “Laid”

When Pattie Met Segway…
Rich and I borrowed a friend’s Segway over the weekend. I didn’t think I’d like it, but it’s a blast to zip around on. You max out at about 13 miles an hour, can corner as if on rails, and generally can get from point A to point B that much faster. Of course, I almost crashed Saturday afternoon — I was going too fast and the Segway almost got away from me. Still, I had a lot of fun. I highly recommend it. Why walk when you can Segway?

The Company Picnic
I went to my first company picnic yesterday (I was in New York City during last year’s event). Rich, my parents, Vanessa, and Ken went with me. Of all of us, Rich was the big winner: he won a round of Bingo and also won some time in the Cash Cube. Thanks to his Bingo win, we now have an Emerilware Dutch oven. We’ll be hitting Best Buy tonight on the way home from work so he can spend that hard-caught money of his.

Hopefully, in a few weekends, Rich and I will be heading to good old Hampton Roads for a couple of days. A friend is having a baby shower, which I’d really like to attend, and Rich will be going with me to help split the drive (18 hours round-trip) and so we can hopefully catch up with some friends while there. Our last visit was July 2005 for Sharon’s wedding. Hmmm…maybe I can squeeze in a quick trip to DSW Shoe Warehouse while there. Show them that I did not, in fact, die, but that I simply moved away. Hmmm…maybe I can pop by Planet Music, too…

And Now It’s Time for a Siesta
I’m exhausted after this weekend since I did the usual: too much. Which is why I now need a nap. I’m really hoping the caffeine from the Coke I got with lunch kicks in soon. And tonight after work, I can go back to pulling my hair out while I clean up my hard drive. Fun.

I’ve been working on cleaning up my hard drive for a couple of hours now, burning documents and photos to DVD for backups. I did manage to upload some new photos to my Flickr albums, though. And now I’m ready to go watch the Heroes season finale on TiVo.

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