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My Whereabouts

Song Lyric of the Day:

I could be brown / I could be blue / I could be violet sky / I could be hurtful / I could be purple / I could be anything you like
/ “Grace Kelly”

Where have I been lately? Thanks to an at times almost unbearable amount of stress lately, teetering on the edge of a nervous breakdown. Starting with something I’m not yet at liberty
to discuss, followed by my once-removed father-in-law’s passing, and my mom’s car crash last Friday (she’s fine, thank God), I’m almost afraid to answer the phone these days. The ringing of the telephone has brought mostly bad news for my family these last three weeks.

Thanks to some very good news we received a couple of days before Mom’s accident, though, things are at least looking up. We have something to look forward to, which is a much-needed positive focus for us right now. I’ll say what it is when I’m ready. And, no, I’m not pregnant. Rich and I actually high-five each other every month in celebration: “Whoo-hoo! We’re not pregnant! Yayyyyy!”. We’re still a ways away from that we-have-the-overwhelming-urge-to-procreate stage in our marriage.

These days, like the rest of my family, I’m working toward normalizing again. To that end, I started an advanced copy editing class last night for work; it’s great to meet new word nerds (albeit online) and polish my editing skills, which will only improve my job performance. What else have I done to get some happy in my life again? Pre-ordered Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Bought three pairs of shoes, all on sale (most expensive pair: $20). Bought my cats a ball made of pure catnip (much hilarity ensued). Finished watching The Simpsons season nine on DVD. Finished reading Killing Time by Linda Howard (okay, but not her best). Added a couple of new MySpace friends.

See — return to normalcy, here I come! Well, as normal as I’ll ever be, anyway.


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