Tag Archives: nintendo

This One’s Going Out to Caren in Colorado

Song Lyric of the Day:

Will you find a time / When you’re not online / Standing all alone / Where’s your real friends now? / You have let them down / You’re a download pal

Does It Offend You, Yeah? / “We Are Rockstars

The bright, shiny new year deserves an update, don’t you think? Okay, there’s that, but really I’m tired of being harassed by my family and closest friends to update ye olde blog here. That’s right – people I talk to daily and/or on a very frequent basis. Apparently I’m most entertaining to them via the written word. Which I can live with.

So where the hell have I been? Well, I’m that rare bird who, after working online all day, gets home and doesn’t even want to look at a computer, much less get online again. Which means that since I last updated I’ve managed to hold onto my title of Queen of the Started-Yet-Unfinished Post©. Some of those posts, mostly started over the holidays, may see the light of day. Some, well, eh. We’ll see.

Auntie Pasta* With a Side of Unkie Rich*
Rich and I are enjoying the hell out of being aunt and uncle to Elliott. Little dude is now four months and one week old; he’s got two teeth and is thisclose to sitting up on his own. He’s also a hefty little dude, wearing baby clothes sized for six-month-olds. At the rate he’s growing and developing, he should be driving before his first birthday.
*The names my sister, Elliott’s mom, has christened us with.

Double the Trouble
Not only are we enjoying being aunt and uncle to Elliott, but Rich and I are also very excited and eagerly anticipating – wait for it – meeting our other new nephew in a few months. That’s right – my other sister is pregnant with a boy, Stephen (named for her late godfather). We look forward to twice the fun and years of “We didn’t do it” denials from both boys.

Getting a Wii Bit Fit
In addition to getting back into a semi-regular workout routine (Rich has done much better than I have), we’ve been enjoying the Wii Fit I gave Rich for Christmas. While not a perfect substitute for real, non-videogame-console-assisted workouts, it is still a decent workout nonetheless. My only real complaint (other than sore abs after hula-hooping) is that my Wii Fit Age was wayyy older than I actually am. Or than I thought my “fit” age would be. The good news? Based on my Wii Fit Age, my AARP membership card is probably already on its way to me.

Dining In
Rich and I have decided 2009 will be the Year of Eating In. As in we’ve drastically cut down on eating out and are brown-bagging it most of the time. We’ve done this for a couple of reasons: (1) The tendency to over eat due to restaurants’ ridiculously large portions and (2) an economy slipping into the toilet faster than Lindsay Lohan’s career. We also realized that a lot of our disposable income is spent on eating out. Oh, and the fact that we tend to choose entrees that are not always the healthiest options on the menu. Alright, I tend to choose entrees that are not always the healthiest options on the menu. (Lord knows I love me some buffalo chicken with blue cheese dressing.)

So them’s the haps these days. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to enjoy time not spent on a computer.

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Filed under exercise, nephews