Tag Archives: red jumpsuit apparatus disconnected bark in the park caleb willow dogs flickr american cancer society relay for life bones season one dvd c.s.i. tivo

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Song Lyric of the Day:

As the days roll by / Can’t help myself

The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / “Disconnected”

Yay! After years of talking about it, Rich and I are finally taking Caleb to Bark in the Park. Every other year we were thwarted by bad weather, work schedules, previous engagements. Today we’ll be meeting up with our friend, Caren, to introduce her adorable puppy, Willow, to Caleb. Rich and I would love to also take Snoops, but our girl sees herself as this big badass, smoking her ciggies, and acting aggressively toward other dogs. Basically, she hates all other dogs except puppies and her brother and cousins (although she’s always super-nice before her vet visits — but only before). She’ll get her own special time later today when we take her for a walk, sans little brother.

If I find the camera cord today, I’ll upload photos to my Flickr account later. Yes, I’m still looking for it. One of the downsides to a bigger house than we had in Chesapeake: more places to lose things.

I don’t know who’s more pooped: Caleb, me, or Rich. Caleb because he met
and befriended a few dozen dogs; me because in addition to helping keep Caleb under control I came home and took Snoops on a 15-minute uphill walk; or Rich because he wrangled all 65 very excited pounds of Caleb. Regardless, I’m tired and overheated and am going to go cool off for a while.

Still being lazy. I did manage to call and catch up with my Aunt Bea before fusing myself to the couch. I thanked her for the Relay for Life donation on my page (donate now or join the team!).

Caleb and Snoops kept me company downstairs while I finished watching season one of Bones on DVD (LOVE that show! — it’s the character-driven opposite of C.S.I.). Caleb dragged his sleepy self up onto the couch with me and passed out, while Snoops dozed on the floor nearby. Now my awesome hubby is going to run to the supermarket to pick up groceries. Which means I can watch some more Bones: season two on TiVo.

Stats for the night

  • camera cords searched for and found: 0
  • dinners cooked: 1
  • loads of laundry washed: 2
  • season two episodes of Bones watched: 7

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