Tag Archives: refrigerator

At Least Now We Can Catch It

Song Lyric of the Day:

Here we have our dust-free dining set / We guarantee it won’t collect a speck

Pedro the Lion
/ “Progress

10:11PM.Our refrigerator died last Wednesday. We’ve been living like pioneers since then. Granted, we’re very lucky that Rich’s awesome parents gave us a fridge and a freezer when we moved into this house. They reside, side by side, in the garage, put to the most use when we’re hosting a big get-together or I’ve got a stash of Girl Scout Samoa cookies to freeze (reminds me — I need to defrost one of the four boxes I still have). For the last several days, they’ve been put to their best use to date, stepping up to serve as a collective backup fridge, keeping frozen meats from going bad and our years-old condiment collection as ageless as ever.

While I was at my last acting class Saturday morning, Rich was at Best Buy getting us a good deal on a new fridge and taking the initiative to go ahead and buy a new, matching dishwasher as a preemptive strike. Which I think was a good call on his part, since the fridge was who knows how old and came with the house, the same as the dishwasher.

The only downside is that the fridge can’t be delivered until Saturday (dishwasher’s coming Friday so it can be installed), so in the meantime we have to make trips to the garage anytime we want, oh, food or beverages. Have I mentioned it’s been freezing cold every night since the fridge died? We have to bundle up like we’re heading to Siberia just to get a glass of OJ. It’s actually been so cold at night that I just resorted to leaving bottles of water sitting right outside the back door; may as well take advantage of Mother Nature’s refrigeration system.

We do have our trusty old Coleman cooler (thanks again, Papa Doug!) sitting in the fridge’s spot in the kitchen to hold some standbys, like milk and juice and dessert wine (the situation has driven us to think about drinking). Snoops is obsessed with the small, food-holding box and is constantly checking it to see if we happened to leave it unlocked so she can whip herself up a sandwich and a nice, ice bag-chilled glass of wine. She’s almost as obsessed with our newly dead fridge’s temporary spot on the back deck. Which just might do the trick and get our new neighbors to crack and put up a fence first. Really, if water bottles and a months-old pumpkin AND a dead fridge don’t motivate them, I don’t know what will. Fingers crossed!

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