Tag Archives: stevie wonder sir duke memes friday five meme the daily meme tv show meme 80s ugly betty supernatural jensen ackles the office bones booth brennan

Young Blogenstein

Song Lyric of the Day:

Be one of the things that life just won’t quit

Stevie Wonder / “Sir Duke”

Since my mind is mush right now, here are a couple of memes to pass the time. The first one is a Friday Five meme from The Daily Meme, the second is one I made up in honor of the TV season coming to an end.

I Love the 80s – Slumber Party Edition (from The Daily Meme)

If you were throwing an 80s themed slumber party…
1. What movies would you show?

Sixteen Candles, The Goonies, The Breakfast Club, and episodes of 21 Jump Street
2. What kind of food would you serve?

Fried crap (same as in the ’80s).
3. Which childhood friends and crushes would you reminisce about?

Friends from elementary school and middle school. My high school crushes are not worth
revisiting because they’re still the same age mentally.
4. Which trends and fads would you lament most?

Leg warmers, big bangs, the dancewear-as-everyday-wear look.
5. What board or card games would you incorporate?

Monopoly and Trivial Pursuit Totally 80s


End of the TV Season Meme (by yours truly)
1. What show did you enjoy the most this year and why?
Ugly Betty for its heart and telenovelaesque twists; Bones because it’s so much fun to watch; My Name Is Earl because of how hard I laugh at Randy and Joy; Supernatural because it truly hit its stride this year. And has Jensen Ackles.
2. Do you like spoilers or do you avoid them at all costs?
I like mild spoilers. As in, you can tell me someone dies but I don’t want to know who. Of course, this entails having to avoid certain headline news because even CNN and MSNBC are in the spoiler game these days.
3. What character grew the most or the least?
Betty on Ugly Betty has grown leaps and bounds, from a timid pushover into a confident young woman.
4. What was the worst storyline/plot of the year?
Angry Andy on The Office. Ed Helms is a funny guy, but his character is overkill. I was disappointed he was made a series regular.
5. Who’s your favorite TV couple, whether romantic or platonic?
Tie between Betty and Henry on Ugly Betty and Booth and Brennan on Bones

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