The Boobah is Near

Song Lyric of the Day:

Step out the front door like a ghost / Into the fog where no one notices / The contrast of white on white

Counting Crows / “Round Here”

Lost Recap Haiku – “Homecoming

Claire still lives with child
Charlie’s heartbreak past present
Ethan lurks no more

The Boobah has landed. Jumbah Boobah was waiting on the doorstep when I got home from work. Caleb’s Auntie Vanessa bought it for him when she was shopping in a Wal-Mart near her home. She got a good deal since it was on clearance. Remembering how much Caleb loved his Zumbah Boobah, she decided to buy him a deluxe, musical, dancing one. So far he’s treating it very carefully as it is still vocal. He has figured out that the left hand is a trigger, but is having trouble with the left foot trigger.

Now I’m off to watch CSI.

Man, the CSI title sequence makes me want to go to Las Vegas again.

I’m going to have a lot of trouble getting that blasted Boobah music out of my head. Here’s hoping it’s not the soundtrack to any dreams I may have.

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One Response to The Boobah is Near

  1. shera1432

    Auntie Vanessa is DA BOMB! Tell that adorable terd that I said he isn’t allowed to break his new boobah cause it’s from MEEEE! Make sure and get a picture of him with it!!!! What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas…..

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