Anyone Can Be Famous (or Infamous)

Song Lyric of the Day:

Just get me to the airport, put me on a plane / Hurry hurry hurry, before I go insane / I can’t control my fingers, I can’t control my brain / Oh no oh oh oh oh

Ramones / “I Wanna Be Sedated”

First, let me say how relieved I was to hear this afternoon that the judge in the Scott Peterson murder trial upheld the jury’s recommendation that he be sentenced to death. I think that what he did to Laci and their unborn son, Conner, was beyond cruel and reprehensible. Why is it that some men choose to be murderers rather than just divorce a woman or break up with her? Is it really preferable to go to prison and maybe be executed? I would think alimony or child support would be the way to go. Step up and BE RESPONSIBLE! Sadly, this article in the Washington Post highlights the fact that there are many, many more cases like Laci’s. And they are on the rise.

So what comes out of a sensational trial such as this? A quasi-“celebrity” named Amber Frey. I understand she needs to provide for herself and her two children, but I don’t understand how she sleeps at night. She is capitalizing on something so horrible, not least her role in the whole thing. So what if she had an affair with an accused murderer and reported it to the police? She did indeed do the right thing by cooperating with the authorities, but what half-decent person wouldn’t have in that situation? But for the media to be heralding her as a role model, someone women should admire? One FoxNews columnist had the audacity to call her “the Y generation’s Susan B. Anthony.” Excuse me? What has she actually accomplished in her life other than making poor choices?

Unfortunately, this is our culture today. Gave the President a blow job and invented a new, unforeseen use for cigars? You, too, can capitalize on it and become a handbag designer and get a book deal. Got away with allegedly murdering your ex-wife and her friend? You get to play golf all day in sunny Florida. Stayed as a houseguest on said alleged murderer’s property? You can become a radio show host. Lie under oath that you did not have an affair with a White House intern? You’ll still be a two-term President. On trial for allegedly molesting young boys? I won’t even go there. But you get the picture. (Some of the aforementioned people were already famous. Now they’re infamous and/or notorious).

I don’t really care for William J. Bennett, but I do agree with one thing he has said (and I’m paraphrasing here): there is no shame in our society anymore.

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One Response to Anyone Can Be Famous (or Infamous)

  1. shera1432

    I agree with you about the whole Amber Frey thing. She is a horrible person.

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