Mystery Island

Song Lyric of the Day:

You come out at night / That’s when the energy comes / And the dark side’s light

Sarah McLachlan / “Building a Mystery”

Lost” Recap Haiku – “Exodus (1)

Many paths have crossed
A sense of dread fills the air
Sail to the unknown


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3 Responses to Mystery Island

  1. Jonnie

    Hey Pattie…Here I go with the validation..COOL blog! especially the “lyric of the day”feature(Jeff Buckley lyrics always seem to evoke some haunting sense of loss,and hopefulness, at the same time) and the cool links. anyway I’d like to get into blogging myself if you could explain it to me like I’m a two year old (I had Webtv this time last year)anyway seeya later…PS. It’s good to have you back as a friend in K-town. I Look forward to getting to know Rich better too….Peace out!

  2. Boriqua

    Yay! Validation from Jonnie! 🙂

  3. kathy

    Those first two albums of hers are one of my favorites of all time.

    I hope you are starting to settle in and enjoying TN.

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