Yum Yum’s Worst Weekend Ever

Song Lyric of the Day:

These people round here, wear beaten down eyes / Sunk in smoke dried faces, so resigned to what their fate is / But not us, no not us, we are far too young and clever

Dexy’s Midnight Runners / “Come On Eileen”

My poor baby cat is at the vet right now. Late last night, Caleb was chasing Yum Yum as usual when Yum Yum stopped short and got stepped on. He yowled in pain, causing our oldest cat, Finn, to come out and beat the cr@p out of Caleb. After separating the cat from the dog, I went to check on Yum Yum. I touched his back left foot, and he did a dead-on impression of the dead black cat in “The Grudge.” When I went to check on him this morning, he was still under the guest room bed and doing his Grudge-kitty impression, so it was off to the vet. Dr. McClain called me on my cell a little while ago to tell me that his tibia has a green fracture, so he will be in a splint for a few weeks. Caleb has yet to express any remorse for this most unfortunate accident. He’d better not mess with Yum Yum again, though, because Finn is watching him, waiting for him to give her another reason to whip his a$$.

I met Mom and Vanessa at McKay’s after dropping Yum Yum off at the vet. Vanessa’s in town to scope out potential wedding locations. I managed to find a couple of good deals at McKay’s today: The Egyptologist by Arthur Phillips ($4, hardcover) and a still-shrinkwrapped copy of the Dandy Warhols CD “Thirteen Tales from Urban Bohemia” for $9.95. These items are technically birthday presents from Benjamin as I used the gift certificate he gave me to purchase them. I now have about $26 left to spend at McKay’s. Must…spend…wisely.

Speaking of birthday gift shopping, I used some of the money Papa Doug and Momma Carol gave me to purchase the Von Bondies “Pawn Shoppe Heart” CD (awesome garage rock) and Slow Burn by Julie Garwood. I’ll put the remainder of the money they gave me toward my eventual Best Buy gift card purchases.

In other news, Papa Doug is here at the house right now helping Rich install a new toilet in the loft bathroom. So let me now bid a not-so-fond farewell to the old goldenrod toilet and matching bidet. Buh-bye.

Sweet jazzie chrissie, Yum Yum is p!ssed beyond belief. His left hind leg is in a cast and he has no idea what to do. I’ve quarantined him in the laundry room since he’s so cranky and liable to hurt himself or someone else. His litter box is a hacked-down cardboard box that’s low enough for him to just walk in because the regular litter box is so tall he wouldn’t be able to lift his hurt leg into it. I can’t wait to administer his painkiller later. That oughta be fun.

Now to decide what to do with the remainder of my day. It’s so cold, gloomy, and overcast outside I almost want to take a nap. Here’s hoping tomorrow is a nice, warm, sunshiny day.


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2 Responses to Yum Yum’s Worst Weekend Ever

  1. kat

    Awwww…I hope Yum Yum is doing okay! How long does the cast need to stay on?

  2. Boriqua

    Yum Yum is adjusting. The cast has to be on for six weeks. Last night he stood up for me as if to say, “Look, Ma, I can balance on it!”

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