Fun with Friends and Fire

Song Lyric of the Day:

Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Studebaker, television, / North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe

Billy Joel / “We Didn’t Start the Fire”

I’ve been awake for about an hour and a half now. Rich and I didn’t get to bed until about 2:30AM last night, and it was completely worth the exhaustion we’re feeling today.

Earlier in the week we found out that Rich’s ex-roommate, Russ, and another friend, Renee, were coming into town this weekend, so we decided to invite everyone over for an impromptu-ish get together. (Renee ended up not being able to get a flight until today). In addition to Russ, we had Jason, Roxanne, Benjamin, Shea, Jonathan, Curry, Brent, and Tamara at the house last night. We ate, talked, laughed, watched “My Name is Earl,” and ate some more. I think the real highlight of the evening was all of us just hanging around the bonfire Rich built. Rich again told the story of me getting caught outside half undressed and I learned about a marshmallow game called “Chubby Bunny” (thanks to Brent for educating me on that). I also really enjoyed talking to Benjamin since we didn’t really get to know each other before I moved to Virginia. After sitting around the bonfire for a good while, a few of us moved inside where I played a tape of an HBO show called “Sketchpad,” a half-hour sketch comedy show featuring comedy troupes from around the country, the highlight of which was a sketch about a male, skating, Hooters-type server in a restaurant (“My eyes are up here”).

People had started arriving close to 8PM and didn’t start leaving until around 1:30AM. Those of us still here ended up watching a hilarious episode of “Family Guy” that involves a lot of vomiting. After Jason and Roxanne headed home, Russ retreated upstairs to the loft within the loft and Tamara retreated downstairs to the guest room. Rich and I also crawled to bed, where we still ended up reading our books for a little (yes, we’re geeks and proud of it).

Tamara was already awake when I got up around 11AM. I found a lovely note Russ left on the kitchen counter thanking us for inviting him over and complimenting the house. A professional freelance landscaper, he also outlined some great ideas for our property, which we’ll further discuss down the road. Tamara and Rich are now at an Indian restaurant having lunch with friends; I’ve made do with leftovers from last night since I’m not huge on Indian food (unless it’s home-cooked by Neelima).

Even though I may need a nap in a couple of hours, I had a wonderful time last night, and think our friends did, too. At this point, our friends really are an extension of our family. What better way to spend a Saturday night than with people you love? Of course, I woke up this morning kicking myself that I didn’t take pictures last night, but I’ll be sure to get some at our next get together.

Now to go vacuum up the beads from Caleb’s recently late, already missed Boobah, Zing Zingbah (R.I.P., 2005-2005).

Samantha and Shawn came over to the house this afternoon. They arrived a few minutes ahead of Rich and Tamara returning from lunch. Samantha and Shawn brought with them a frozen buffalo chicken pizza for lunch and a delicious creme brulee cheesecake for dessert. They were nice enough to share, which was great since the pizza was so spicy it cleared up my sinuses.

After exchanging hellos, Rich went upstairs to check on work email and Tamara joined us in watching “Sketchpad” again (yes, the “Rollers” sketch really is that funny). We had fun hanging out and talking for a while, and then lured Rich back downstairs with the promise of playing “Puerto Rico.” Shawn wanted to join in but had to leave to drive back to Bluff City, so it was just me, Rich, and Tamara playing. We said bye to Samantha and Shawn and finished our game. It was great to see the sister and future brother-in-law; again, I’m thrilled to be so close to my family again.

As for “Puerto Rico,” I’m happy to report I came in a close second to Rich; I was only 7 victory points behind this time. I will beat him at this game. Oh, yes, I will.

After my near victory, I accompanied Tamara to Wal-Mart so she could buy a vacuum cleaner. We got back to the house where Tamara signed our guest room guest book, said bye for now, and then headed home to Morristown. Rich and I then set about being human slugs, slowly recovering from our very social weekend. Now it’s off to bed. I’m pretty sure we won’t have any trouble falling asleep tonight.


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3 Responses to Fun with Friends and Fire

  1. shera1432

    I can’t believe that you, of all people, DIDN’T know what chubby bunny was! I thought you were COOL!!!!!

  2. Anonymous

    Hey Pattie, I enjoyed hanging out with you guys Sunday. I wish it could have been longer, I’d like to actually finish a game of Puerto Rico one day. Anyway, here is that link to rock, paper, scissors 25……. Oh the outcomes!

    I’ll send you and Rich some turtle cheesecake by Samantha this weekend. Have a great week!


  3. Boriqua

    Cool–a comment from my future BIL. 🙂 It was great seeing you, too, and we’ll definitely have to play Puerto Rico again. Thanks for the link.

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