My Subconscious is Askew

Song Lyric of the Day:

As real as it may seem / It was only in my dreams

Debbie Gibson / “Only in My Dreams”

“Lost” Recap Haiku – “…And Found

Missing ring and Jin
Leaving the Others behind
Sun comes full circle

I had the strangest dream this morning, after I fell back asleep when Rich left for work. In it, he and I were in Iowa visiting his family. We visited a lot of farms, hung out with his cousins. This is where the dream gets a bit fuzzy. Somehow, we ended up with a piglet and a dog gifted to us. I named the piglet Lucille after seeing a seal refrigerator magnet named Buster. The dog didn’t get a name. Then Rich and I ended up on a van/bus being driven by a black aunt and uncle we didn’t know he had. As they drove, the aunt and uncle admonished me a couple of times for saying “Oh, my God,” since I was taking the Lord’s name in vain. Someone then gave me a baby and told him that we were going to be his new parents. The baby–surprisingly verbal and well-spoken for an infant–decided he liked us for his new parents and agreed that the drive so far was a bit boring. The van/bus then was driven through a historic-type village, where all the rustic houses had modern, top-of-the-line appliances and electronics inside. The baby ended up with a pickle in his hands, which he squeezed, sending pickle juice flying into Rich’s eyes. This is when Rich morphed into Wentworth Miller and ended up crying tears of joy about having a son.

Analyze that.

I can usually piece together how a dream came about. For instance, last night I started writing an article about not being ready to have kids. I watched “Kitchen Trends” on HGTV since Rich and I are planning a kitchen remodel. I’ve missed seeing new episodes of “Arrested Development.” As for the other stuff in the dream, I’m clueless.

Well, except for the Wentworth Miller part. I think that’s pretty self-explanatory.

Success at last! I called Best Buy this morning and found out they finally had the first season of “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” on DVD in stock. I had the guy I spoke with put it on hold so I could pick it up sometime this afternoon. When I headed out for errands, I hit Michael’s first to pick up some more pastel fixative for Rich. I then hit Best Buy where Adam, the young man who’s been there every time I’ve been in the last month looking for this box set, gave me a high five in congratulations. Surprisingly enough, I still have a whopping $10.98 left on my birthday gift cards to spend. I’ll just have to be sure to pick a CD that’s not on my Christmas wish list to avoid incurring my family’s wrath.

I hit Lowe’s next, since it’s right next door to Best Buy. I picked up a utility mat and some vinyl floor stick-on tiles for our laundry room. Astroturf is not only unattractive anywhere inside a home, but it’s especially ill-suited for being underneath the cats’ litter boxes. I’m looking forward to getting rid of it. Which is what I’m going to go do right now.


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4 Responses to My Subconscious is Askew

  1. shera1432

    You are a NUT! That is the funniest dream I have ever heard! Ken and I got one heck of a laugh!

  2. Anonymous

    Pattie, you are so funny and that dream is hilarious!

    I clicked on the Wentworth link and see what you fantisize about. Good looking guy, although a bit too young for me.:)

    Still sleeping at the wrong hours so lunch is postponed til further notice. I’m not giving the idea up tho’ and hope you don’t either. Good luck with the tiling project. Love you, momma carol

  3. Boriqua

    Thanks for the compliment, Momma Carol. And I’m happy to find out you see what all the Wentworth fuss is about. 🙂 Anytime is good for me as far as lunch goes, so let me know.

  4. Rich

    ok this i gotta comment on.

    You are one weird lady, mi chica.

    A pickle, huh? And oh, you must be referring to Aunt and Uncle Rachmaninoff, my dark relatives from the middle ages. They like corn, pigs, and to psychoanalyze weird dreams.

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