Reunited and It Feels So Good / List of Sevens

Song Lyric of the Day:

Wearing nothing is divine / Naked is a state of mind / And it feels alright / And it feels alright

Luscious Jackson / “Naked Eye”

How great was tonight’s episode of “Prison Break?” It completely made up for not having had any new episodes the last three weeks. Blasted World Series. I say that since the Astros are down, 0-2. They were my safety team since the Yankees blew it this year. But I digress…

The show has really upped the ante for most of the characters, particularly the ones outside of prison. Poor LJ…his mother was killed and when his stepfather tried protecting him, he died for his efforts. Veronica and Nick are really up the creek, too, having to live off the grid for now. Not only did she lose her apartment (and her super), but they lost the seven years’ worth of files they needed for Lincoln’s case. Back in Fox River, Michael’s escape plan was in jeopardy until Westmoreland intervened. Michael found Westmoreland’s beloved cat, Marilyn, alive and well in the pipes and returned her to her grateful owner. While Westmoreland was thankful, he emphasized to Michael that he is, in fact, not D.B. Cooper as Michael believed and could not help him with his escape plan. Westmoreland ended up helping Michael after all when C.O. Bellick (hate him!) killed poor Marilyn and left her on Westmoreland’s cot for him to find. Westmoreland made sure the C.O. rec room burned so Michael and the rest of the PI crew could work in there since it’s integral to their escape plan. Route 66, here they come.

The show tonight was the fun highlight of my day. I spent today priming the walls in our half bathroom and then finishing the laundry room flooring project. By the time I finally stopped to take a break, it was 7PM. I watched E! News Daily and ate cake for dinner. (Why? Because I’m a grown up and I can, that’s why). I then kicked back to enjoy PB and now here I am, updating my blog.

Speaking of updating, I meant to do the List of Sevens a few days ago when I read about it on MetroDad‘s blog (love this guy), who, in turn, wrote his list on orders from Not-for-Profit Dad. I thought this would be another fun way of revealing a bit more of myself to my readers–all three of you. So here goes.

7 Things I Want to Do Before I Die

  1. Become a published author
  2. Act in an action movie where I can kick a$$ original-Matrix style
  3. See U2 in concert
  4. See the NY Yankees play a home game
  5. Pursue acting opportunities so I can add to my three credits
  6. Live in NYC for a while
  7. See the pyramids in Egypt

7 Things I Cannot Do

  1. Make it through a whole day without swearing (Hmm…if I start a swear jar, I might be able to afford Wentworth Miller within a couple of months. Or a new car for Rich).
  2. Sing (according to Rich, anyway)
  3. Dance
  4. Draw
  5. Not be judgmental of others (although I try ever so hard)
  6. Get rid of the Catholic guilt even though I haven’t been to church in years
  7. Not use humor when I’m in a stressful situation

7 Things that Attract Me to the Opposite Sex

  1. Sense of humor
  2. Intelligence
  3. Eyes
  4. An appreciation for the written word
  5. Sense of adventure
  6. Ability to wear his heart on his sleeve
  7. Height (the taller, the better)

7 Things that I Say Most Often

  1. Doh!
  2. Dude
  3. Like
  4. I wasn’t staring at him, I was looking near him
  5. It’s you I love, baby
  6. What do you want to do for dinner? No, I don’t have any ideas.
  7. I just have to check that the Tivo is set

7 Celebrity Crushes

  1. Wentworth Miller – English major, smart, tall, green eyes, a perfect face, worked in a bookstore. Need I say more?
  2. Enrique Murciano – Natural charmer + tons of charisma + too cute + great sense of humor + flirtatious = everybody likes a good Cuban.
  3. Johnny Depp – My original fantasy husband. Quirky and always an individual, he always makes brave acting choices.
  4. Chris Martin – Such an amazing singer and songwriter. “Kingdom Come,” “Swallowed in the Sea,” “Fix You,” and “In My Place” make me weak in the knees.
  5. David Duchovny – English major, smart, tall, wonderful deadpan, self-deprecating sense of humor. Cool wife, to boot.
  6. Taye Diggs – Too beautiful for words, amazingly talented, and a cool wife, to boot.
  7. Bono – I think I would probably cry if I were ever to meet the man who wrote “With or Without You,” “All I Want is You,” and “Sometimes You Can’t Make it on Your Own,” which are among my top weak-in-the-knees songs.

(See, a couple of those guys are under six feet tall).

7 or More People I Want to Do This

  1. Rich
  2. Samantha
  3. Vanessa
  4. Jonathan
  5. Joan
  6. Electrolicious (aka Ariel)
  7. Ernie

FYI, today’s song lyric is in honor of the fact that I was fully clothed the entire day, pants included. But only because the high temperature today was about 50 degrees. As soon as it warms up, though, the pants are coming off again. The locals have been warned.


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7 Responses to Reunited and It Feels So Good / List of Sevens

  1. Jonnie

    Cool entry today! I ‘ll hopefully be posting my list of 101 things tomorrow to be followed shortly thereafter by my lists of sevens ….seeya!

  2. shera1432

    You should try being a comedian YA NUT! And tonight’s Prison Break was really awesome! I just can’t believe the whole thing with LJ!!!! Can’t wait till next week…. PS You need to keep your pants on! Mathis keeps making jokes about you-i talked to pattie today, hey do you think she had pants on?!

  3. All This Nonsense

    Great stuff….saw this on the WWK thread. Keep it up!!! And if you have a little time…check out my site (

  4. tvgirl13

    Hi Patti I saw your blog listed on the WWK message boards. I do some random tv talk on my blog also.

  5. Flossy

    Hey, love the list of 7’s! Too cool! I will definately have to do that..yes…. N FYI, you have more than 3 readers my dear…you’ve got quite a fan club going thus far! :-} Oh, I almost forgot, keep your pants on!!!

  6. Boriqua

    It’s too cold to not have pants on. Sigh…

  7. Flossy

    Weird O! Anyhoo, I just had to throw in I’ve been to 2, yes count em, 2 Yankee home games!!! I rule!

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