Don’t Worry, I’ll Leave a Trail of Breadcrumbs

Song Lyric of the Day:

They put a parking lot on a piece of land / When the supermarket used to stand / Before that they put up a bowling alley / On the site that used to be the local palais / That’s where the big bands used to come and play

The Kinks / “Come Dancing”

What’s on tap today? The guest room closet. Or, as I like to think of it, No Man’s Land. It’s a scary, scary place. Primarily because of my Barbie doll collection. It’s time to thin out the herd again–Ebay, here I come! Speaking of Ebay, anyone looking for that perfect Christmas gift for me, here it is. And, no, Vanessa, you cannot buy it for yourself.

I stuck with my fitness regimen this morning, so now I’m going to reward myself with a small sub from Quizno’s. I have to run out anyway to pick up lettuce for tonight’s dinner of Caesar salad, so I’ll be right next door to the restaurant. Delicious and convenient, to boot.

Jonathan is taking a look at our water heater leak while I continue working on the guest bedroom closet. Recent closet discoveries: my greeting card organizer (yes, I have one), old Cabbage Patch Kid doll clothes, Rich’s Tiki God lamp, and MORE books. Keep in mind, I’m still only halfway in.

I’ve decided along with the Barbie doll collection that my stuffed animal collection needs to be pruned down, as well. I’ll see if my sisters don’t want to call dibs on any stuffed animals I decide to get rid of. Whatever they don’t want I’ll donate to an area organization since I don’t really know anyone with kids here. Oh, wait, I do–Benjamin, Shawn’s son. And Shea has a little boy the same age. Maybe I’ll be able to personally pass some stuffed animals on to little kids after all.

Now I’m going to work on the closet some more until CSI starts at 9.

CSI was good tonight, but I thought it suffered from George Eads-lessness (one scene?!?). The last new episode, “Gum Drops,” was the best episode the show has had since the “Grave Danger” finale last year. What do both those episodes have in common? They revolved around George Eads’ character, Nick Stokes. While all the characters are pretty likable, I think Nick is the most genuinely likable of the bunch–what you see is what you get. Would “Grave Danger” have been so affecting if it had been Sara in the box? Catherine? No. Grissom? Maybe. But it was Nick. And because it was Nick, the other characters’ distress and grief over his situation were completely believable. I thought “Gum Drops” was outstanding in how we once again got to see a bit more of how Nick is handling the fallout from his kidnapping last year. Him breaking down crying when he told the little girl her family was dead? He!!, I think he should get an Emmy based on that scene alone. George Eads, I am hereby decreeing you my newest Fantasy Second Husband (FSH). Welcome to the club.

Without a Trace was excellent tonight. This is the rare show where you can take the characters out of their primary setting (the FBI office, NYC) and the show still works. Tonight’s episode, “Viuda Negra,” found Jack and Danny in Mexico to investigate the kidnapping of a wealthy American man. I have to say, Alex Kingston turned in a great performance as the seemingly worried wife–she turned out to have engineered the whole thing, of course. I find it interesting that her former ER costar, Paul McCrane, directed tonight’s episode. Especially since I know that it will beat ER in the ratings, which it routinely does now. I also really enjoyed this episode because my FSH #2, Enrique Murciano, got to speak Spanish a lot and do an action scene. Muy caliente. And, I will admit, it was good to see Roselyn Sanchez’s character be sympathetic to the murdered boy’s mother. She’s a bit more likable now. But I still don’t want her and Danny to have a history together. So there.

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One Response to Don’t Worry, I’ll Leave a Trail of Breadcrumbs

  1. Flossy

    Dude, read your email!!!!! P.S. I need your tivo again tonight.. Love you!!

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