I Am My Own Worst Critic OR Lighting a Fire Under My A$$

Song Lyric of the Day:

Stand up / You’ve got to manage / I won’t sympathize / Anymore / And if you complain once more / You’ll meet an army of me

Bjork / “Army of Me”

I have a really bad habit of holding myself down. I’m afraid to finish what I’ve started or submit it once it is finished. I know I’m good at it, but I have such a horrible fear of failure and rejection I am holding myself back. What am I talking about? Writing, of course.

I had a great phone call with my friend, Joan, the other night where she gave me the pep talk I needed–she’s always been wonderful for that type of thing. Rich has also always been a fantastic source of support, and I love him for that; my family and friends, too. But this is one of my issues (I have a back catalog) into which I actually didn’t get to delve too deeply while I was in therapy. Man, I really miss my therapist. To boot, now I’m even more paranoid about my grammar usage thanks to MetroDad‘s latest post. Oy. But at least I know why I like his writing so much. Not only is he laugh-out-loud funny, he’s a kindred spirit grammar nerd. Always a good thing.

Anyhoo, the last few days I’ve made a conscious effort to continue working on and finish an article I started writing about why I’m not yet ready to have a kid. I’m hoping to finish it today, and then I can start the really fun part of figuring out who and how to submit it for publishing consideration. But I’m feeling pretty confident about what I’ve written so far. The article really reflects my sense of humor while discussing what has been a touchy subject for me and the S.O. in the past.

I’m also more determined than ever to try and get something–anything!–published since my job prospects are looking about as good as chances for a ParisNicole reconciliation. So off I go to write.

As I was getting ready to close my browser window, this headline caught my eye. The Halloween franchise lost Debra Hill earlier this year, and now poor Moustapha Akkad and his beautiful daughter were in Jordan at the wrong place and the wrong time.

Okay, now it’s official. Arrested Development has been cancelled by Fox, and it’s not likely to be picked up by another network. And yet cr@p like According to Jim will go on. Ugh.

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One Response to I Am My Own Worst Critic OR Lighting a Fire Under My A$$

  1. shera1432

    You must be SO peeved about Arrested Development. Brent will find someone to blame and kill!

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