A Cold December 1st in East Tennessee

Song Lyric of the Day:

What day is it? And in what month? / This clock never seemed so alive / I can’t keep up and I can’t back down / I’ve been losing so much time

Lifehouse / “You and Me”

Lost Recap Haiku – “What Kate Did

Kate killed her father
True dad was not the real thing
A mother betrayed

December is off to a freezing cold start here in Knoxville. Most of the day, the sky was that shade of grey that looks and feels like snow; it looked and felt like the dead of winter all day. As someone who gets cold if the temperature drops below 70 degrees, I’ve been trying to warm up all day. A couple of views of my backyard, shot late this afternoon:

Here’s Caleb enjoying the day and what used to be one of his many frisbees:
I dropped Yum Yum off at the vet this morning for his broken leg recheck. The verdict: he is almost 100% healed, but not quite there yet. So it’s back to the vet for what will hopefully be his final recheck two weeks from today. Dr. McLain, the techs, and I had fun joking about how much weight Yum Yum’s put on from having to be so stationary. Rich and I have even taken to calling him Porky the Peg Leg.

I got a complete physical today in preparation for becoming a human guinea pig, along with Jonathan, next week for a medical study. Cost of a tank of gas to get to Oak Ridge: $38. Price paid to be a lab rat: $500. Being able to give everyone a nice Christmas because of it: priceless.

On a serious note, I’m very sorry to report that Tamara and her sister, Jaime’s, beloved grandfather passed away this morning. He led a good, long life and was very much loved by his family. It’s not much, but I hope his family can find a little bit of comfort in remembering that.

So…my blog template modifications didn’t quite work out…Ahem. I’ll be adding the links I had set up again tomorrow.

Ah…the week starts with Wentworth Miller and it ends with Wentworth Miller–CBS is repeating the series premiere of Ghost Whisperer tomorrow night. And, yes, I’m aware the pic I’ve posted here is from Prison Break. But, well, just look at him.Image courtesy of Wentworth-Miller.net.


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3 Responses to A Cold December 1st in East Tennessee

  1. shera1432

    Kiss Caleb for his aunti. His SUCH a stinkin’ cutie! Found a lab rat test for me to do in Clarksville for $ 500.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous

    Pattie, what are they going to do to you? (e-mail me if you’d rather). I might rather have YOU than Christmas presents! 🙂

    Your ever cautious MIL,
    Momma Carol

  3. Anonymous

    Hi Pattie, I thought that you and Rich might be interested in watching a documentary about DaVinci Sunday night: (http://www.historychannel.com/davinci)
    Hope you have a great day!

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