Sick Wife

Song Lyric of the Day:

This mind, this body, and this voice cannot be stifled by your deviant ways / So don’t forget what I told you, don’t come around, I got my own hell to raise

Fiona Apple / “Sleep to Dream”

I’ve been fighting a nasty cough since Friday. I’m nowhere near as sick as Rich has been, but we’re both paranoid it’s coming for me. I, too, will likely soon be embraced by The Crud. In the meantime, though, I’ll keep fighting it.

Other than being a bit sick, things are good. Friday afternoon was a banner day for me. I went to Fowler’s Furniture with photos of our china cabinet in hand, and lo and behold, the Fowler’s cabinet is identical. (Rich and I being who we are, I very easily found detailed photos of our china cabinet we’d taken when we were looking to buy. We even have closeups of the hardware, which came in very handy). Since the cabinet was on clearance and only five were left, I went ahead and bought it. It’ll be delivered on Wednesday. I can’t say how happy this made me. Rich and I looked a long, long time for a dining room set we would be happy with for years to come. So when the moving company’s delivery team dropped our china cabinet (still in the truck!), we were very upset to think we might not be able to replace it. Thanks to a random, lucky pop-in visit to Fowler’s the other day, now I will spend this Wednesday happily putting china and stemware in the china cabinet, and putting the boxes and small appliances piled against the wall into kitchen cabinets. I will also have to console Caleb, since a new, albeit familiar, piece of furniture in the house will be an ordeal for him. Such a sensitive pit bull…

Friday night Rich and I treated ourselves to Metro Pizza in Maryville. For Knoxvillians, it’s the south-side equivalent of Roman’s Pizza; one of the original owners of Roman’s helped start and continues to work at Metro. Between those two places and Big Ed’s in Oak Ridge, I’m surrounded by great pizza places.

Speaking of Roman’s Pizza, a couple of weekends ago I moved into my parents’ house to pet sit while they visited my grandmother and other relatives in Tampa. Samantha came over that Friday night with a pizza from Roman’s in hand, kicking off our weekend-long horror movie festival. We watched House of Wax first, which scared us silly. It didn’t help that Brent knew we were watching horror movies and called to say “Seven days” in the middle of the movie. Our next two movies were chosen based on cover art, which is always a crapshoot. Let’s just say we chose poorly. Run, don’t walk, if you see Junior and Campfire Stories on the shelf in your local video store’s horror movie section. Junior, a British horror movie, is so awful and obscure I can’t even find it in IMDB‘s database. While Samantha worked that Saturday, I also babysat her dog, Cyrus. In addition to my parents’ dogs, who make Snoops and Caleb seem positively low-maintenance, I had my hands full. I spent most of Saturday and then some of Sunday watching CSI season 1 on DVD. I met Rich for lunch and some shopping at Kohl’s that Sunday afternoon, and that night Samantha and Cyrus came over again so we could finish our last horror movie rental, Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers; I think this is my least favorite–after Halloween III Season of the Witch–in the series. Samantha and I still had fun hanging out and eating too much junk food, though. After spending the weekend fighting for bed space with my parents’ bed-hog dogs, I was happy to be able to come home that Monday afternoon.

See what happens when I’m sick? I start to ramble. Oh, well. It’s not like that’s really out of character for me, anyway.

Hmmm…I’ve now waited an hour and fifteen minutes for the plumber I called about our mystery guest bathroom leak to call me back; he said he’d call back in a half hour. No job for him! Time to call the next highest-rated plumber in Knoxville. Here’s hoping they value business more than the last guy apparently does.

Aside from a lot of coughing today, I didn’t get too much done. I finished the two-part, four-hour 24 premiere (which totally kicked ass, btw) and finally got a plumber out here. The contractor who we hope to use for our eventual kitchen remodel made the referral. Long story short, Sam the plumber believes the mystery leak is being caused by the water heater after all. We’re conducting a simple test tonight to rule it out or isolate it as the cause. Rich and I both are pretty sure we’ll be calling Sam out for another visit tomorrow. As it is, we’re impressed with him since he did not charge us for today’s visit because he could not say without a doubt that he knew the problem was the water heater; he’s definitely secured us as customers. At this point, though, I just want the leak stopped. I want to be able to put my laundry room and guest bathroom back together again. I want to be able to walk to my laundry room without hearing my feet splash with each step. Yes, the carpet is that saturated with water. Let me just give a shout out to Jonnie and Curry for giving Rich and I floor tile they couldn’t use, which will be put down in our guest bathroom once the leak is stopped and the carpet is ripped up. I love my friends.

Before I forget (and before Jonnie bugs me), Jonnie has started his very own MySpace page, so please visit it. He’s also started one for his and Curry’s dog, Ned, which reminds me that I have been talking about starting a blog from Caleb’s point of view for a very long time now (Lee can back me up on that). Perhaps Caleb will start writing soon…Anyhoo, happy reading.

Off to heat up the last of the delicious (if I say so myself) lasagna I made last night and watch 24.


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6 Responses to Sick Wife

  1. Anonymous

    Wow! I’m in blog heaven with your latest entry. Sorry to hear you are sick though! That guest bath/ laundry situation could probably be contributing to it. Glad to hear the progress in that area.

    Can’t wait for my pit boy to start writing!

    I want to read the new book!(the one you’ve written) I want to read the new book! I want to read the new book! Can’t wait. No I’m not the impatient type! 🙂

    Love you,
    Momma Carol

  2. Sam

    See, even Jonnie has joined the myspace craze! Even Ned!!! You are the only one left…

  3. The Angry Soapbox

    When Caleb starts “writing”, may I suggest a title, “Caleb’s Corner, the Trials and Tribulations of a Pitiful Pitbull”. he sounds so much like Courage the Cowardly Dog. You sure Nickalodeon didn’t use Caleb as the model for Courage?

  4. kathy

    Must be nice to watch 4 hours of uninterrupted TV, eating leftover lasagna!! 😉

    I can’t remember having 4 hours of uninterrupted time since Jack was born – 12 years ago!! Now I’m lucky to have…uhm…well, forget it. lol.

    I checked out your friend’s site – very neat.

  5. Boriqua

    Lee–You hit the nail on the head. Pitiful will definitely be in the name of Caleb’s blog somewhere. 🙂 I really should sue Nickelodeon for dog copyright infringement, shouldn’t I?

  6. Boriqua


    I didn’t actually watch 24’s four-hour premiere straight through. I started watching it last week. What I watched today was about an hour and 15 minutes uninterrupted. But it was nice.

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