
Song Lyric of the Day:

And the same black line that was drawn on you / Was drawn on me / And now it’s drawn me in

The Wallflowers / “6th Avenue Heartache”

I’m not putting all my eggs in one basket with regard to the job for which I interviewed this week. I’m optimistic, but still realistic. It’d be a neat, challenging job, and I would, of course, be ecstatic to once again be earning an actual paycheck, but I’d still like to make money writing. To that end, I’m in the process of researching agents for my children’s books. I’ve narrowed it down to a few that look promising, so I’d like to have my query letters written by the time the weekend’s over and ready to mail Monday. I’m also working on query letters for an article I’ve written which I’d like to market to women’s magazines. This has all made me realize that what I really need is a writing mentor, someone who’s worked freelance and has published work. Unfortunately, I missed this month’s Knoxville Writers’ Guild meeting; at least I can email members and start networking before next month’s meeting.

In other news, my hands are close to falling off after typing up papers for Benjamin and typing up several pages of a book for Rich’s company. Not that I’m complaining; it’s just that I’d forgotten how much goes into typing a lot of material at once. This is coming from someone whose average typing speed was clocked at about 90 words per minute (WPM) a few years ago. I can only guess what my WPM average is these days.


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2 Responses to Buenosdingdongdiddlydias

  1. Buffy

    I think its harder to write query letters than novels….honestly. They scare me to death.

  2. Boriqua

    I’ll agree with you on that. Any pointers on query letters?

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