I’m Very Fondue Rich

Song Lyric of the Day:

The chills that you spill up my back / Keep me filled with satisfaction when we’re done / Satisfaction of what’s to come / I couldn’t ask for another / No, I couldn’t ask for another

Deee-Lite / “Groove is in the Heart”

Rich and I had a great, romantic Valentine’s Day evening together. We had already decided to stay in and fondue, so by the time he got home from work I’d already purchased the filet mignon, made the coq au vin broth, and made the cucumber dill and tarragon horseradish dipping sauces. I’d also boiled some carrots and potatoes so they would cook faster once in the coq au vin. I make the broth exactly the same as they do at The Melting Pot; the only difference is we spend a lot less money when we fondue at home. We then exchanged gifts after our nearly three-hour meal. I gave Rich the Mirrormask DVD; a huge Neil Gaiman fan, he was happily surprised since we missed seeing the movie in theaters and he didn’t know the DVD came out yesterday. He gave me a beautiful, antique-looking silver frame with a photo he had taken of me, customized with beautiful text about what I mean to him.

Needless to say, Rich scored a ton of good husband points (Good husband points are redeemable only in Knoxille, TN. Offer not valid in other cities or states).

Well, our intrepid VP, Big Shot Dick Cheney, was just featured on a FoxNews preview finally issuing his mea culpa for thinking his hunting buddy was a quail. (Because apparently his lawyer friend happened to be adorned with beautiful, decorative feathers that day?) If Cheney were truly sorry, shouldn’t he have done this days ago? Like, oh, the day he shot the guy? Now, I’ve never trusted anything out of Cheney’s mouth as remotely sincere–the man simply oozes pure evil. But even he should’ve been smarter about agreeing to let The White House keep his shooting mishap quiet for as long as they did and not apologizing immediately. That’s the Bush administration for you.

One of the downsides to being unemployed (aside from not making money, feeling your professional self-worth slide into the toilet, and generally climbing the walls) is trying to decide what to do next. By that I mean that I spend the majority of my day (ie: working hours) doing housework; looking for jobs (which is quickly becoming a job within itself); making phone calls that need to be made; running errands that need to be run; and, lately, doing more business management work for Rich’s freelance web design business; I’m constantly busy. Would you believe I never nap during the day? I’m unemployed, and I never nap. So while I may watch Oprah occasionally (don’t judge me!), I never sleep during the day, even though I could anytime I want. Part of it stems from knowing that would be a bad move because of my insomnia and part of it is knowing I would feel like I could be doing something productive, contributing to our household, if even in a small, seemingly meaningless way. There have been only a handful of days where I’ve actually sat around and done nothing but watched TV, which, as my seven loyal readers know, is my lifeblood. The last time I truly rode the couch was several weeks ago when I was sick as a dog.

It’s a strange feeling–not knowing what you should do next because there’s no real division in your day when you’re unemployed. No I’m just now getting home from work, let me sit and relax a bit before dinner. No I have to get up early and get ready for work. No I have to iron my clothes and have my wardrobe planned for the week; hell, at this rate, I may never iron again, purely due to circumstance. But I’m working hard at keeping my chin up. My husband has been beyond supportive these last few months; I will hopefully land some modeling and/or acting jobs in the very near future (note to Jerry Bruckheimer: call me); and the query letter I am working on will hopefully land me an agent who will help get my children’s books published. So never let it be said that all unemployed people are lazy, do-nothing gadabouts. Because I’m working really hard to not fall into that mode.


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2 Responses to I’m Very Fondue Rich

  1. shera1432

    YO. Fondue is AWESOME! lol. Hope you had a good Valentine’s Day.

  2. shera1432

    I updated my stinkin’ blog today! WAAAA!

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