Creaky Friday

Song Lyric of the Day:

Saturday wait / And Sunday always comes too late / But Friday never hesitate…

The Cure / “Friday I’m in Love”

There are things in this world I just can’t get a grasp of, things I don’t understand, no matter how hard I try. For example, this news story about the continuing furor over the Danish political cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. At the basest level, I do understand why Muslims were offended
by the cartoons. It’s not an uncommon thing, for people to be protective of and sensitive about their religion. What I don’t understand is when people become violent in the name of religion, even though it’s something that is documented throughout so much of the world’s recorded history. Still, I don’t get it.

My curiosity got the better of me the other day, so I Googled and found the Danish cartoons online. I could see why some were perceived as offensive, but I couldn’t see why others were perceived as offensive. Then again, I’m not Muslim; I know next to nothing about the religion, much less why those cartoons are so upsetting.

I would post the link on which I found the cartoons, but I don’t want to further fuel this particular fire. Should your curiosity get the better of you, though, they are fairly easy to find. Maybe one of you can put some of it in perspective for me and help me understand a bit better.

I’m going to pick up lunch to share with Mom at work today. She’s feeling like Quizno’s, which, like Girl Scout Samoa cookies, I can eat anytime. Speaking of Samoas, I wonder if there are any Girl Scouts selling cookies in my neighborhood. I’m leaning towards posting a sign in the front yard: “Are you a Girl Scout looking to set a sales record? If so, stop here!” So if anyone local knows of a Girl Scout selling cookies, call me! I need to stock up for the year.

While checking out at Target this afternoon, a woman ahead of me in line was describing to the cashier how an article in the San Francisco Chronicle criticized the new Curious George movie as imperialistic, among other things; she was nice enough to also include me in their conversation. Seems some people also think the movie glorifies bad parenting since the Man in the Yellow Hat allows Curious George to smoke. And it has incurred the wrath of animal rights activists. To which I say, it’s a cartoon movie featuring a cartoon monkey! I imagine even little kids watching the movie will realize that Curious George is not real because, oh, he’s a cartoon monkey. Even the woman’s two young children found the article funny. What will be the next victim of our society’s overzealous political correctness? Any nominations?

Also while at Target, an associate (not the cashier) tried to talk me into applying for the store’s credit card. I politely declined, stating that as someone who does not have a job, I’m not in the market for more potential debt. You would think that would have ended the discussion right there. Instead, she replied, “But you get a gift.” Because at the end of the day, that’s what will help me pay my bills.

Hmmm…just received an evite for an anniversary celebration for the company I used to work for. Maybe they thought a party in another state would be a nice way of taking the sting out of laying me off five months ago.

Wow. I’ve used italics alot today. Like James Patterson alot. And, yes, I am a huge James Patterson fan.

Just got home after a fun evening out with the gang. Rich and I met up with Brent, Samantha, Shawn, Tamara, Jonnie, and Curry at Bravo! Cucina Italiana restaurant for dinner around 7:15PM. We ate a lot of good food (a whole pizza in my case), and then sat around talking and laughing for a long while after. Once we got motivated to move again, Rich broke off to come home and check on the dogs while I went on to Barnes & Noble with everyone else. We ran into Momma Carol and Papa Doug while there and had fun catching up with them. I left the bookstore empty-handed since I couldn’t find a particular fiction book in the bargain section; I’ll wait to buy at regular price again once I’m employed.

Now I’m trying to decide–go to bed like I probably should, or stay up with Rich and watch either this week’s episode of Lost or Mirrormask. As it is, I have a very busy weekend coming up in that I have to get the house ready to host my sister, Vanessa’s, bridal shower on Sunday. So much to do before then…


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7 Responses to Creaky Friday

  1. Anonymous

    hello,for me it is not a violence when some one applying for his or her right when it is stolen by some one else ,this cartoonist didnt insult just muslim people he insult the religion as awhole,and obviously he knows that he is doing the wrong thing ,so the only way to correct what he did is to be punished….

  2. Jonnie

    WOW! Nice brave ANONYMOUS comment!
    Unfortunately, the only religion it’s acceptible to make fun of anymore is Christianity. Anytime someone needs a laugh, they can just plug in a line about how backwards, hypocritical, and generally ignorant Christians are.
    I am not usually a “sacred cow” kind of guy, but I am kind of tired of it. Maybe I’ll make my own post about it.

  3. the liberal samurai

    The cartoon thing is just the culmination of the feelings that muslims are marginalized by western culture. Muslims already equate the war on terror to be a war on islam; and it didn’t help matters much when Dear Leader was referring to it as a Crusade… So, you’ve got a globally oppressed group who’ve been attacked in 2 countries (Afghanistan & Iraq) whose governments get little (if any) respect (the Palestinian Authority); when their most holy symbol is so resoundingly pissed on; they feel no other recourse is possible. Of course I’ve been known to be wrong before…

  4. Jonnie

    I think you mean “The Last Temptation of Christ”, bro…nice typos though…beautiful prose

  5. shera1432

    SLACKER! lol. See you soon….

  6. the liberal samurai

    typos smypos; we’re on the internets! Yeah, I meant last temptation. The Christo Facist Zombie Brigade was all over that one. Yet they loved Mel Gibson’s little snuff film which was more violent than Scarface. My prose might not be perfect but my point is pretty close to it.

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